HISTORIC MISSION UNDERWAY: Gedolim Attend Fundraiser At Home Of Philanthropist Shimmy Glick

The Gedolim on their historic mission to raise $100 Million for Yeshivas and Kollelim Eretz Yisroel, have attended their first major meeting at the home of philanthropist Reb Shimmy Glick in Monsey.

Two of the Gedolim landed this morning at Teterboro Airport, while the others were scheduled to land in the US later Sunday morning.

The Gedolim on this mission are Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, Rav Yaakov Hillel, Rav Don Segal, Rav Dov Landau, the Rachmastrivker Rebbe and Rav Avraham Salim.

The Gedolim will be attending private events with philanthropists and leading Baalei Tzedakah the next few days.

As many as ten thousand people are expected tonight at a major Asifa in Lakewood outside BMG.

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(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

15 Responses

  1. The Gedolei HaTorah are true Royalty, מאן מלכי? רבנן, who are the true Kings? The Rabonon! These are our Kings!

    Which is why I find it unsettling to see the greatest of our Gedolei HaTorah, coming like meshulochim to schnor money from the המון עם, the simple folk in their mansions.

    Shouldn’t the המון עם be summoned for the honor of visiting Royalty in their palaces of Torah in EY?

    True, רבי מכבד עשירים, Rabi Yehuda HaNosi would honor the wealthy (even if they were impoverished of Torah wealth), but he wouldn’t chase after their money.

    Is this kovod HaTorah?!

  2. How will the loot be divvied up among all the Eretz Yisroel Yeshivos and Kollelim? Six Gedolim, collecting $100 Million, that’s a lot of money to be FAIRLY divided. Who will oversee this? It sure won;’t be the Gedolim! They will go back to their learning and a full time crew will be needed. Who will be accountable? Will they share the loot with Breslov? Chabad? Or is it strickly an old boy’s club?! Too many details are missing!!!

  3. Glad to see they are coming to finaly raise money for that yeshiva collage to give Israeli young men a chance to respectibly support their families and yeshivas.

  4. Rebbitzen Goldenpickanicerscreenname – I am not sure of too many schnorrers who can go around with a goal of $100 Million or more. Shows the seriousness of this and sadly… Gedolim have had this job since Moshe Rabbeinu collected for the Mishkan. Now… if you would like to step up and take this load off of them and can accomplish the goal… it would be a tremendous zechus for doros to come!

  5. “Is this kovod HaTorah?”

    Well, if the Yeshivos in EY are really financially hurting as they claim, then you put protocols aside and act as as Rebbitzen G says, “like meshulochim who have come to the golden medinah to schnor money”.

  6. These ashisrim are amazing for parting with 100 million. But yes, an even higher madraiga would be for them to say ‘ let the gedolai hador stay in EY and learn, we’ll zelle it over to them’….

  7. Martin B. Saser, do you think Moshe Rabbeinu went around collecting for the Mishkan?! Did he knock on doors (of tents/sukkot) asking for a half shekel?! I don’t think so. The Yidden graciously flocked to him to the point that their donations exceeded the need of the mishkan. No, Moshe Rabbeinu did not shnor for the mishkan!

  8. I think there is some likely more than some validity to the sentiment that they could’ve zelled the money over and not make zekeinm into schnorrers

    Veim Tomar, the Kavod?

    They could’ve made a huge Kabalas panim and dais in eretz Yisroel for all the ppl who have the tremendous zchus of using hkbhs gifts wisely and for keeping the entire oilam Hatorah in eretz hakodesh afloat.

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