Video of Interest: Satmar Rebbe Reciting Kabolas Ol Malchus Shomayim

5 Responses

  1. Satmar is in a much better position to object to the drafting of hareidi Bnei Yeshiva, since they have not only rejected government funding (i.e. didn’t get used to receiving zionist money), but since they have consistently opposed the existence of the Medinah. The reason there is a war is because of the zionists and their insistence on a medinah in which they would rule over and subjugate the Arabs. It is zionism that creates the situation which is causing thousands of Jewish boys and girls to be drafted into an army to fight in the war the zionists will have to fight. Those who favor the existence of the State of Israel, and who are comfortable sitting in their parliament and accepting their money look very poorly since they still advocate the policies that are the cause of the ongoing war, but don’t want their own sons and daughters to serve . Satmar has always opposed the war and is therefore free to oppose consriptions without being hypocritical. “Chicken hawks” (who favor war for the nation, and draft exemption for themselves) are hypocrites.

  2. And, Mr Kuperman, what do you call someone who posts comments EVERY day, ALL day, about the attempt to limit Torah in Israel, yet learns not a word of it himself?

    I call THAT a hypocrite!

    Let me ask you something. I have to assume that you (considering yourself a chareidi) have derech eretz for the chareidi gedolim. If so, what do you think the gedolim would say if asked about whether one should learn all day or post on the internet all day about the LACK of learning?

  3. ok akuperma – I get it – you are against zionism or whatever it is that runs Israel these days. any great ideas to the alternative that exists today? should nearly half of the worlds jewish population commit national suicide so that the Muslims could run the place. Who would guarantee any agreement between the jews and muslims – Obama? do you trust him more than Netanyahu? I dont – and I believe you probably dont either. No one really ever speaks about plausible alternatives that exist today – they only rant about the zionists. It has been nearly 66 years that the modern state was founded – but as a matter of pikuach nefesh without any reasonable alternative – that is why it is imperative for all – with the exception of full time learners to join. whether it is a good thing or a bad thing that the state was founded, we have to deal in todays realities.

  4. The long term survival of the Jewish community in Eretz Yisrael requires either making peace with the Muslims or destroying them

    The latter would involve monstrous acts of genocide (basically to undo the Islamic conquests of 1300 years and de-Islamicize the entire Middle East – anything less than that will just make them try harder to fight back). Furthermore, as we already have seen, the military effort to defeat the Muslims will require a total involvement of the Jewish people leaving room for nothing, including Torah. We already see in Eretz Yisrael how military pressue is forcing the Jews of Israel to in effect give up being Jewish. The zionists are naive to believe that the war is about settlements or boundaries. The Muslims will never tolerate a non-Islamic state in the Middle East.

    The alternative is to make peace. Many gedolim favored peace. They realized that what it important to frum Jews is the ability to learn Torah and do mitsvos – and that political zionism with its requirement of ruling over the goyim and bending them to our whims is not important.

    Satmar alone of the major groups can agree to terms by which Eretz Yisrael will have peace. They can agree to give up the medinah in return for what is important to us, namely the right to be frum. The rest of the frum community has signed on with the zionists, and is now getting shocked at the “fine print” that in order to be part of the zionist dream, they have to give up cut back on Torah and Mitsvos. The use the goyish saying, they made a deal with the devil, and the devil has come for his due.

  5. Reply to #3. Very Well Said!! You took the words out of my mouth by your last lines – “Whether it is a good thing or a bad thing that the state was founded, we have to deal in todays realities.”

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