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Video of Interest: Chareidi Protesters Torch a Police Car in Ashdod Over IDF Draft Ruling

14 Responses

  1. mms601 says:
    February 6, 2014 at 11:21 pm

    The protests are about the bochur in prison, not the supreme court ruling.

    and. That makes is right.

  2. All u cold blooded tzadikim above; we are not impressed by your words “chillul Hashem”!

    You are a bunch of cold hearted people, don’t give a hoot for the suffering of your brothers

    One of your brothers is sitting in a dungeon because of the Israeli government going to war with the chareidim

  3. It’s a kiddush Hashem !!!

    Yidden care for other Yidden !!!

    If all 500,000 chareidim would take to the streets and turn over government cars and buildings we would not have these problems.

    Everyone here screaming chillul Hashem , are themselves a chillul Hashem . Cold hearted people, it’s disgusting !

    “All for one”!!!!

  4. I don’t believe that violence is a solution, but I do know from personal experience how the orthodox community is villified by the Israeli media and painted in the blackest of colors. When it comes to the army, the kind of intolerance that is shown to the charedi makes those charedi people justily afraid to go to the army. They know that there is no or very little tolerance, and whatever they need to do – eat Kosher, have time to pray or other religious practices, are looked down upon. Nobody is perfect anywhere, but one thing I know for sure is that whatever you read in the media regarding the charedi, it is usually a one way street, never showing the charedi side and the reason they are protesting. In nature, Jews are not violent people. The Jewish religion does not condone violence. But I believe the charedim are feeling desperate, because no one is listening to their side of the story. charedi Jews are up against a system that is built to eliminate them at all costs. If the Israeli governement truly wanted to work with them, they would have built a system that would have made it possible for them to contribute and to be able to have job opportunities like everyone else. They are sanctioned and thus have very limited job opportunities. The whole system is built so that they would fail. Its very sad. The Orthodox Jewish community outside of Israel is thriving because there is true democracy and freedom for the orthodox. They have good jobs and pay taxes just like everyone else. It is painful to see how desperate they feel in Israel that they feel that they need violence to be truly heard. As an afterthought, I want to add that the orthodox community contributes a great deal to Israeli society and other places around the globe in the form of incredible charities for the sick, infirm, poor etc. and these charities do not desciminate – if you are a Jew who needs help (orthodox, not orthodox, not religious) they will help.

  5. truthsharer
    “What happened to “all we need to do to defend us is sit and learn?”

    You are right. Obviously they haven’t learned Bava Basra yet!

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