Video Of Interest: Shlomo Simcha Sings Reb Shlomos Havdallah (With A New Twist)

2 Responses

  1. WHAT A WAY TO RUIN A BEAUTIFUL SONG!!!! I like Shlomo’s voice, but that song is not good with electric guitars and drums!!! WHEN WILL PEOPLE GET IT???? IF A SONG IS WRITTEN AND PRODUCED AS A SLOW SONG, IT SHOULD STAY THAT WAY. PERIOD. If you want a slow song played at a wedding, play it at the dinner, NOT SECOND DANCE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!

    P.S. When did Shlomo Simcha’s beard get so white?

  2. There are many ways to express a nigun – even a very holy one. There are many Yidden and not every one of us connects to the Rebono Shel Olum exactly the same. I believe we should not criticize what works for another Yid. We must hope he is being honest in his connection. Maybe there will come a time where this same Yid will connect in another way. If the style of this particular Shlomo nigun works for some – I say Baruch Hashem. If it brings you close and expresses who and where you are (spiritually) now – then Gd bless you. Maybe I don’t agree – for me I need this nigun slow etc. But I would never tell you how to connect to our Father in Heaven. I don’t believe we are not speaking about something not Kosher or forbidden by our Gedolim. Maybe next year I will only want this nigun slow. What is beautiful for one might not be the same for another – we can disagree and respect where each of us is holding.
    I happen to know Shlomo Simcha and the producers of this video and I can tell you – they were l’ishma. Shlomo has a heart of gold and a voice and neshama to match. Please – lets go forward with positive and loving words.

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