INSANE FOOTAGE: Shomrim Member Thwarts Attempted Robbery In Boro Park

A quick-thinking Boro Park Shomrim member foiled a robbery this afternoon at a cellphone store.

A black male had entered the store on 13th Avenue and 46th Street and told the owner, a chasidish yid, that he wanted to buy AirPods.

The man asked to see the AirPods before finalizing his purchase, and owner agreed, handing the expensive earbuds to the man.

However, instead of buying them, the suspect took off, running towards the door as the store owner gave chase.

As he reached the door, a Shomrim member who happened to be in the area saw the chase unfolding, quickly grabbed the suspect, and pinned him against the wall.

Police arrested the suspect at the scene and charged him over the incident.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

23 Responses

  1. Of course , you can’t see how long it took for the “Finest” to show up . Probably giving out expired meter tickets !!!!

  2. But thanks to Andrew-evilized-Cuomo this thug is back doing it again. What does arrest mean today, after Cuomo’s respect the thug policies.

  3. The looters are finished in manhattan now they are coming to boro park. You vote DemocRATs you get looted stores and high crime.

  4. 1. Can someone please explain. The first video shows a lone woman and a worker inside the store besides for the owner.
    In video 2 it seems like they isolate the thug to the inside of the store – with a Heimish woman and worker – while the rest are outside???
    Just asking.
    2. The Shomrim guy reacts so fast as if he’s expecting it. Were they in cahoots?
    3. Doubt he was from Shomrim. In my experience Shomrim shows up to a scene within 25 seconds. (I mean the other members of course).

  5. Not sure why NYPD was called in. Shomrim should’ve called pest control and had this animal caged and returned to his rightful home in the Bronx….Zoo.

  6. A black male had entered the store on 13th Avenue and 46th Street and told the owner, a chasidish yid, that he wanted to buy AirPods.

    Why is the mention of his race necessary? I’m very concerned about backlash against the African American community. Eric Adams is petrified about white supremacists coming after him.

  7. What did he already want? Some earbuds.
    How much money does he have? Probably nothing.

    Why the arrest? Why the crowds? Why the racist comments?

  8. @”Honesty Period” I suppose you are perfectly content letting anyone and everyone come to your home or business and take whatever they want? What a dumb question.

  9. @ Not getting involved
    You you are right there’s no point of seeing his race because everyone knows it’s always a Stupid Shvartza! (BLACK)!!!

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