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Video Of Interest: The Human Face of Poverty in the Holy Land

5 Responses

  1. unfortunately painfully true. It’s become impossible and unreal what the govt has done. And what most point out; even if a father and a mother are bringing money in. It’s far from what they need to reach a modest lifestyle.

  2. #4 The answer is TESHUVA,

    how much tzaros can you watch happening & not do something about it? how much longer will it take for klal yisroel as a nation to start doing teshuva?

    do YOU even know why the economy is so bad? every tragedy that occurs has a message i.e. wake-up call STRAIGHT from Hashem (won’t find in a sefer or newspaper, neither am I a navi}

    get ready for the entire country to collapse, this news doesnt shock me due to the other side of the story (Hashems side & reason)& message being:

    for thousands of years for every generation we have has avoda zara (idols) from the molech to the Baal to haman etc… Todays Avodah zara is money…. we bow down to money … we let money talk & depend on it like an idol…. we let it run our lives … thus we leave Hashem no choice but to take it away from us. BUT YOU CAN STILL SAVE YOURSELF, if you can show Hashem that all this money hashem gave you, is not your money (even though you did earn it through working) it is just a loan from Hashem to get you through the year & support your family, then you are the perfect person to hold onto Hashems money. (thus showing Hashem that its not avoda zara to you & when you need Anything you turn straight to Hashem for help, as we say in bentching, vdorshei Hashem…. for one that seeks out Hashem-& his help-lacks nothing)

    May we all do teshuva ASAP

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