Hevron Massacre: New Information Emerges!

New Information Emerges About the Hevron 1929 Massacre

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5tjt.com

They could have been saved.  According to a new video interview, apparently, information about the unprovoked murder spree against the Jewish residents of Hevron, including the relocated Slabodka Yeshiva, had reached Jerusalem on the fateful day itself.

Mr. Harbater, a wealthy American who lived in the Kiryat Moshe section of Jerusalem, had begged the British to start a convoy toward Hevron in order to stop the carnage and to save the critically wounded.  He offered to pay for the expenses involved in arranging such a convoy.  The British refused.

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All this has been revealed in an interview with Mr. Michael Harbater, the son of Hevron survivor, Rabbi Moshe Harbater.  Rabbi Harbater subsequently went to study in the Mir Yeshiva in Poland and received smicha from Rabbi Eliezer Yudel Finkel zt”l, the Mir Rosh Yeshiva.

Watch the video below to learn all of the new information.


The author can be reached at [email protected]

******There is a wonderful young man who could use our assistance.  Please read it and help.  https://thechesedfund.com/zechornilah/ayeshivastudentneedshelp

4 Responses

  1. British policy throughout their empire was to encourage ethnic and religious tensions. They encouraged Jews and Arabs to fight with the idea that it would leave the Brits more firmly in control. They also used that “divide and conquer” policy elsewhere including India (which 100 years included what is now Pakistan and Bangladesh), Ireland, and many places in Africa. The conflicts the British deliberately ignited have continued long after the British Empire collapsed. The British were clearly accessories before the fact in the Hevron massacre in 1929, and it was no more logical to expect them to prevent it than it would have been to expect Hitler to save European Jews from the Nazis. Indeed, it would seem that to the Brits, the massacre was (excuse the anachronism) “a feature, not a bug”.

  2. Of course, we should also remember that but for the British Empire, the Third Reich would still be in business and control, at the very least, all of Europe (the key point was summer of 1940, when the US was neutral, and Britain was offered an armistice on liberal terms, which they turned down). There were many positive legacies of the short-lived British Empire; the conflicts in the Middle East, Ireland and South Asia are probably the worst of the negative legacies.

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