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Video Of Interest: Ezra Friedlander Talks About NYC mayoral Candidate Christine Quinn

4 Responses

  1. Mr. Friedlander, she’s against Metzitza B’Peh. That’s not very favorable for our community. She’s loud, she openly engages in toeiva. What exactly is good about her??

  2. Mr. Friedlander certainly has a right to his opinion. However, I cannot understand how any person who presents themselves as a “yirei Shomayim” could urge the frum community to support an openly gay woman is beyond comprehension. The justification for his endorsement appears to be that Quinn has channeled funds for programs that benefit the Orthodox community. I have to believe that if we are destined to receive funding for these programs it will come from a source that does not engage in an abomination.

  3. I do not understand why Yeshiva World is giving these type of opportunists
    any coverage or airtime. Our loyalties MUST ALWAYS BE TO HASHEM AND WHEN SOMEONE is an opportunist at the expense of our JEWISH VALUES than
    it is best to ignore the person altogether and not give any attention or recognition to such a person.

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