Video Of Interest: A Look Inside The IDF Nachal Chareidi

7 Responses

  1. Are you sure they are really hareidi, as opposed to religious zionists who are too serious about halacha for a regular unit, but not interested enough in learning for hesder? The people in the picture look more like they belong in Gush Etzion than in Bnei Brak or Mea Shearim. The distinction is important, since a big political question will be the loyalty of the Nahal Hareidi when (and IF) the attempts at conscription of the Bnei Yeshiva engender massive resistance. Frum religious zionists will remain loyal to the medinah, whereas hareidim probably will not.

  2. What are they davening at 1:19? Maariv when its light outside??? and at the end when he makes a bracha without a kippa… Is that CHAREIDI???

  3. You are all right! They should all be sent away and all of you should go fight for the yiden in Eretz Yisroel in their place. What difference do all of your comments make? Can’t you ever find anything nice to say?

  4. Its all Propaganda

    Seeing Soldiers davenning with tefilin works up your emotions
    listen to the sound and hear parts of tefilas mariv

    what a joke

  5. All you negative people who have no idea what it means to have “mesiras nefesh” to protect others you may not see eye to eye with what there views are but there still yidden who are being “moser nefesh” for US. Now stop being such haters and appreciate them. Wow you people who always look for the negative he took of HIS yarmaka to give it to the non frum reporter to make a bracha and he said hashems name “what a rasha”. NOW BE QUITE AND WORK ON YOUR SELF FIRST!!

  6. So to all you nay sayers:
    – The tefilla heard in the background in clearly a montage, the filming of the minyan was done while the guys who davened slowly were finishing (you see others folding up in the background), that would not result in a soundbyte, so what does the (by the sound of it not religious) editor do? Search the sound bytes library for Jewish prayer and paste it on.

    – The bracha, the commander probably should have covered his head in some form, but “dan le kaf zechut” you can argue that he was not trying to make his own bracha, he may have made it before they filmed or after he took his kipa back and they stopped filming, either way while he was not wearing it was clearly bederech chinuch.

    These kids are putting their lives on the line for us, a bit of respect and hakarat hatov is in place.

    These minyanim really do happen, been there seen them first hand.

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