Agudah Live: Washington D.C. Office

2 Responses

  1. What in the world was Schnall prancing around in Washington when doctor assisted suicide who’s being voted on today in Trenton !?!
    And it passed in both the state senate an assembly By bare one vote In each House !!

  2. כל המציל נפש אחת מישראל כאילו קיים עולם מלא And this Assisted suicide bill Unquestionably means life of many Jews and Non Jews

    Magic Word is “Murder”.

    Maybe some desire Orwellian doublespeak, but we do not!

    Does one to have a hand in shortening someone else’s life?!

    Why did we fight the Cold War?!
    If life doesn’t have a value beyond all then the difference between us and the Communists is just a difference in degree!
    Hospitals have, until now, been looked upon as a place of refuge. Are you prepared for them to be turned into actuarial bureaus,as is happening in other countries, deciding how much value to allot each person?!
    Are we ready to accept seismic change?!

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