WATCH: Rebbe Splashes Havdalah Wine In Peoples Hands

This video was taken this past Motzei Shabbos at the Mezhibuz Rebbe in Eretz Yisroel. Watch as he splashes Havdallah wine into the hands of the men standing around hands as a “segula”.

8 Responses

  1. Who makes up these “segulahs” and for what outcome specifically is this segulah of sphashing around the Havdalah wine before actually making havadallah??

  2. Chareidi Judaism has unfortunately morphed into insanity,the root of the problem stems from the fact that in Israel a whole generation has grown up with the notion that working is beneath them,and we have tens of thousand of young men who don’t work don’t learn,they are going out of their mind with boredom and the results are INSANITY,and sometimes criminal insanity like we see from the gangsters in Meah Shearim and the aurebach criminals who attack and beat up frum IDF soldiers who risk their lives in defending their country,
    And sometimes the insanity morphes into human worship like taking a young man and declare him a holy man and Rebbe and literally worship him,or worshiping a person who admitted and was jailed for criminal sexual crimes against women,and then we wonder why thousands of young men and women leave the frum fold.

  3. I watched the video again and several other minhagim I’ve not seen. After the baracha, all the rebbe’s chassidim seemed to be yelling out ooy or ahh or something like that. Also, the above noted repitition of the “bein yisroel la’amim” and a few other items. But most intriguing and not explained at all by the article is what the segulah linked to the splashin of the wine is for.

  4. Ive never heard of him and I don’t know who he is, but obviously He is giving everybody wine from AFTHER havdalah so they can put it in their eyes etc.
    This is obviously so that instead of everybody dipping their hands into the wine and pushing and shoving ,he gives it out.
    So this is newsworthy?? R u
    a 2 year old?
    big deal

  5. this is what gets people going like the other rebbe that throws the garlic at melave malke and makes with his hands like hes waving in an airplane to its gate
    nobody wants plain learning or davening its all theses hocus pocus that gets everyone

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