Video Of Interest: Charedim Call Police ‘Nazis’ As They Try To Open Street After Hafganah

One Response

  1. And we need to see this chilul Hashem because? It’s sefira. There’s enough sinas chinum in the world without you showing us more.
    Honestly, there are times I’m not sure whose side you’re on. You guys seem to leap at every opportunity to showcase the few “bad” apples in Klal Yisrael. I don’t understand your motives. Whatever happened to having an ayin tov or being dan l’chaf zchus? I don’t know what “yeshiva world” you’re from, but you’ve obviously never learned about v’ahavta l’rayacha kamocha.
    The internet is a very public forum. The umos haolam can also visit this site and see everything you post. Do they have to see our faults too? Please use some discretion or, better yet, ask a rav before you post negative stories about klal Yisrael.

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