Video of Interest: AUDIO: MK Dov Lipman on The Spin Class 04-11-13

2 Responses

  1. Mr. Lipman claims that the charedie olam is being misguided by its political parties. However, the members of the political parties are dedicated messengers of our Gedolim and follow their direction.
    1. A careful study of Shaarei Teshuva Rabeinu Yona shaar 3, 147-153, will enlighten us of the importance of honoring Chachomim so that divreihem nishmoim on all topics.
    2. Rashi (Devorim 17, 11) brings chazal even if one is sure chachomim are wrong, he is obliged to follow.
    4. Rashi (Devorim 17, 9) brings chazal stating that in each generation is obliged to follow the Chachomim of its generation.

    Many Gedolei Yisroel have let the olam know that they view the current situation as an attack on the future of Torah.

    Hagaon Hagodol Rav Osher Arieli Shlita publicly states that we are in a melchomo, and gives clear direction how to wage battle. Here is a link to his drosho:
    I suggest that Yeshiva World upload this important drosho for everyones benefit.
    Ephraim Stein

  2. ppl in america dont really know what dov lipman is doing this person runs to the israeli media daily speaking hatred of the chardim community this is all he does on in the knesset podium his speeches r against the frum , and all the changes he wants to make .the israeli media dosnt like frum jews and dov lipman fuels that fire very sad that a yeshiva boy can do that ,

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