VIDEO: NYC To Vote On Limiting The Number of Uber, Lyft Vehicles Allowed on Streets

New York’s city council plans to vote this week on a bill that will cap the number of ride share cars in the city. Uber and Lyft are against it, but what do they want? CBS2’s Clark Fouraker reports.

3 Responses

  1. It’s a win-win situation for the operators (the fewer of them, the more money they make), whether of taxis or services, as well as for the politicians and the Democratic machine (who will benefit from the campaign contributions from the grateful owners of the business benefited by the policy).

    It’s a big loss for the consumers who end up paying more for poorer options. But since New York consumers on left-wing “sheeple” they will complain but still vote for their poltiical masters.

  2. UBER and LYFT need more cars on the street so that the consumers should not complain about how long they have to wait for a ride

  3. Haha “17 bucks an hour after expenses according to lyft”. In reality its WAY less than that. I know too many who have tried doing this for a living and dropped out because they just can’t make money.

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