WATCH: Addiction

3 Responses

  1. Disgusting showing Jewish shmutz for everyone to see.
    Drug or alcohol addiction is not common in the regular frum yeshivos. (i went thru the system).

  2. emes 100
    Do u think they are making it up?
    Do u think u know what is going on in A-L-L- of the Yeshivas?
    How old are you? How many yrs ago did u graduate?
    Who said u even knew what was going on then in YOUR yeshiva?

  3. If only you knew what goes on… What’s hiding behind someone of the “best” Bais Yaakov graduates… Trust me, I’ve unfortunately seen too many!! There HAS to be more awareness in the frum community! There needs to be more mechanchim/machanchos at the very foundations, really and truly there for their students. When children/teenagers AND adults know that there are people in their life that really care and are there for them, these voids that they are filling up temporarily can very likely be avoided!
    It’s very easy to just close your eyes to the world… but I promise you THIS IS REALITY unfortunately!

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