Fire Destroys King of Delancey Kosher Restaurant In Passaic [VIDEO & PHOTOS]

King of Delancey Deli in Passaic was destroyed in a fire on Wednesday morning.

Firefighters arrived at the scene at around 5:30AM, and found heavy smoke billowing from the windows.

One man and woman were rescued from an apartment above the restaurant.

According to Passaic Fire Chief Patrick Trentacost, the fire started in the basement and spread to the first floor, eventually travelling up the walls to the upper floors.

King of Delancey has been serving the Passaic Jewish Community for the past 8 years. It is a Fleishigs Deli.

(Chaim Shapiro – YWN)

6 Responses

  1. I’m sorry this happened. Now Passaic is down to 0 restaurants. There is still a bagel store, a take-out at Seasons, a bakery, and a couple of pizza places.

  2. #1, but there are numerous Yeshivos and Kollelim. Passaic may not be the hub for restaurants but the Torah there is thriving. Thats what counts.

  3. Git Meshige, B”H we have them, but that means we should never discuss any misfortune? So if anything happens to anyone all your going to say is what counts is that we have yeshivos and kollelim?

  4. Got meshige, the Torah institutions are great there but are also indirectly responsible for preventing potential frum restaurants from establishing and making a parnasah in Passaic due to not wanting to make Passaic a “hangout scene”. My hopes and wishes are that one day Passaic isn’t scared to have what Bergen County has, which are Torah institutions AND various food establishments.

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