VIDEO: Rav Amnon Yitzchak Meets with Rav Kanievsky Shlita & Explains


Rav Amnon Yitzchak has been in the eye of the chareidi media over recent days, albeit in a negative light. His statements that HaGaon HaRav Aaron Leib Shteinman Shlita directed him to launch his Koach L’Hashpiah Party have been challenged as well as coming under unprecedented attack from Shas.

As a result of the mounting pressure against him, Rav Amnon visited HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita to plead his case and obtain a psak Halacha regarding the issue at hand.

Rav Amnon finds himself at the receiving end of the letter from Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita, a letter which appears to have been signed by the Gadol Hador, or at least that is what Shas officials are saying, but Rav Amnon insists the letter is forged. Rosh Kollel Yabia Omer, Bnei Brak, Rav Yigal Cohen asks Rav Ovadia if Rav Amnon may continue giving his weekly shiur in his beis medrash in light of recent events, adding some of the mispallalim find R’ Amnon’s presence objectionable at this time due to his running against Shas.

Rav Ovadia’s response, which says “it is a mitzvah to replace Rav Amnon Yitzchak with someone who is a Yiras Shomayim” has been circulated far and wide. Rav Ovadia uses the loshon “הקדיח תבשילו.” (Click on image to ENLARGE letter)

Rav Amnon explains to Rav Kanievsky about the weekly shiur and the sheilah to Rav Ovadia from Rabbi Yigal Cohen. Rav Cohen wishes to determine if the shiur may continue or should be it halted.

Rav Amnon reads the text of the sheilah from Rabbi Cohen and Rav Ovadia’s response to Rav Kanievsky. He begins to detail how he is being targeted by Shas for launching the party, which he insists R’ Shteinman approved.

R’ Amnon went on to explain that he himself is not on the Koach L’Hashpiah list for he is committed to continuing his work to bring people back to a life of adherence to Torah and Mitzvos. He adds that the list includes two chilonim to permit them to lead the battle of the chareidim against efforts to compel them to serve in the IDF rather than have bearded chareidim in the media. It was decided that having non-frum Yidden fighting the battle for chareidim may prove more effective.

Rav Amnon also explains the party’s election agenda addresses social and economic issues only, distancing from issues addressed by the chareidi parties as to avoid taking votes from chareidi parties, but nonetheless, he is now being targeted by Shas. R’ Amnon insists he is being accused of speaking against Rav Ovadia chas v’sholom, which is states is simply an untruth.

At this point, after explaining his case to Rav Kanievsky for four minutes, he asks the sheilah, seeking to understand if one (in this case R’ Ovadia) rules against another (R’ Amnon), using the loshon הקדיח תבשילו, is that person in violation of the Biblical prohibition “שמוע בין אחיכם ושפטתם צדק” (חושן משפט סימן יז) since the ruling was issued without consulting with him at all.

Rav Kanievsky nods his head in apparent agreement and says “מִסְתַּבֵּר”, (probable).

Rav Amnon continues, explaining the psak of Rav Ovadia of “הקדיח תבשילו” has been circulated far and wide, including television and radio, asking if one may rely on this psak – questioning “what did I do wrong, going to Rav Shteinman and receiving approval to start a party to strengthen the chareidi camp, that I bring chilonim with me to strengthen our camp. For this one rules הקדיח תבשילו against me?”

“Therefore, I released a response, stating that anyone who is now against me as a result of R’ Ovadia’s הקדיח תבשילו psak is transgressing the Choshen Mishpat Chapter 17. This is an avreira d’oraissa. Did I respond correctly or not?” Rav Kanievsky response “בסדר” (B’seder/yes) as he nods his head in approval.

Rav Kanievsky closes wishing Rav Amnon ”ברכה והצלחה”.

Click HERE to watch this video from a mobile device.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. With all due kavod to the great reb chaim kanievsky, its embarrassing to see a gadol subjected to a “conversation controlling” person. The Gadol with all his greatness was bombarded for 5:33 seconds. Did he even understand what went on? Rav amnon yitzhak is trying to lure ashkenazic gedolim in his machlokes. I’m not sure it is fair putting reb chaim on the spot this way. It is clear from this oddly taped footage that rav yitzhak came in to get the rebbe to say anything that can help him and left right away. truly embarrassing. I pray for moshiah.

  2. Rav Amnon Yitzchak’s problem is lack of voter base.

    He insists on pursuing this machlokes with Chacham Ovadia Yosef and any support from Sephardim and particularly Mizrachim will dwindle.

    Marginal support from Gedolim like Rav Kanievsky won’t help much because he’ll still be second favorite to UTJ.

    What is there left of the hareidi tzibur? Is he hoping to court chiloni votes like Amshalem? In the end neither will meet the threshold and only weaken the hareidi presence in the Knesset.

  3. I don’t know what Rav Amnon did wrong that everyone is against him. The Rav for the past 35 years did nothing but bring Jews closer to Torah and Miztvot.

  4. To The Yeshiva World.
    It is really disturbing that on such a torah website, you put such a degrading article which puts down the Sefarady Gadol hador. Just imagine there would be such a video against Rav Shteinman Shlit’a would you also put such a video up???
    Besides the macha’a on kvod hatorah. According to R’ Amnon he also transgressed the choshen mishpat 17, so did Rav Chaim Kanievskey(b/c they judged Rav Ovadya with out him being there). Besides he (R’ amnon) trangressed choshen mishpat all together when he spoke against all the Rabonim all the time and put out tapes and videos against them.
    Did he tell Rav Chaim that he is being going around and cursing, puting down Rav Ovadya’s whole family on TV, and in every lecture!!!!!
    Did he mention that he has made up lies to all the gedolim in order to pursue his own agenda?
    Knowing r’ Amnon for over 20 years, whenever he wants to prove something, he has a video. Where is the video of Rav Shteinman giving him his blessing????
    Also What about the macha’a of all the Sefardy poskim to tell the world to stay away from him. That doesn’t count for you!!! It was printed in today’s hamodia and Hamevaser Hebrew edition.


  5. it is an absolute frightening Isur for anyone who cares about his olam hazeh and olam haboh to even express an opinion publicly on any Rov or any machlokes topic (such as all these comments and topics)… (let alone publish all these articles which are based on Machlokes)

    שאלה – 105928
    בבקשה ובתחינה מכבוד הרב הי”ו עזרנו רבנו על הסערה המתחוללת סביב גדולי ישראל.
    את כל מי שרוח אלקים בקרבו אבקש ואתחנן לפניכם, אנא, חדלו מכל המחלוקות הבזיונות וההכפשות הללו, ומכל דיבורי הסרק ושיחות בטילות אשר הבחירות הביאו בעקבותם, הזהרו בגחלתן של תלמידי חכמים שלא תיכוו בה.

    נא ונא כל ירא אלקים וחרד לדבר השם יתברך ישתוק וידום ולא ידבר מאומה על שום גדול בישראל, וכל המערכה שהיהדות ניצבת בפניה אינה כדאית ואינה שווה כלל אם חלילה יפגם כהוא זה כבודם של תלמידי חכמים כי החילול השם הוא נורא ואיום.

    כמו כן הנני להבהיר באופן הברור והמוחלט שאין לי אישית שום קשר בשום ענין או כל דיבור בנושא, ומי שחס על נפשו יתרחק מכל דיבור אסור.

    החותם בכאב ובצער רב בן ציון מוצפי.

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