WATCH: Simcha Leiner Performs His New Hit Song ‘Merakeid’ At HASC Concert

3 Responses

  1. New hit song? It was written and recorded years ago by R’ Shmuel Brazil. Simcha Leiner asked permission before recording it again.

  2. @iacisrmma This song is 100000% not Rabbi Shmuel Brazil. Maybe look at your album cover again.

    But since you slandered YWN, Leiner and Rabbi BRazil, I will post it here for you:

    After Purim, Simcha Leiner couldn’t get Shmuel Brazil’s “Elokai Neshamah” out of his head

    Rosh Yeshivah Rav Shmuel Brazil has been composing songs for half a century, and Simcha Leiner feels fortunate that one of those classic niggunim is on his new album, Merakeid. Leiner shares how it happened.

    “While being yotzei the mitzvah of ‘ad delo yada’ on Purim, my good friend Yoni Kutner decided to sing me a song composed by his rebbi. He sang me a few bars of his version of Reb Shmuel’s ‘Elokai Neshamah.’ A few days later, I couldn’t get the tune out of my head. I was trying to think where I heard it, and remembered that Yoni sang it to me on Purim. I asked him if he could get me the original, and the moment I heard the voice of Reb Shmuel singing it the real way, I couldn’t pass it up.

    “I called Reb Shmuel that same day and begged him for reshus to use his beautiful, hartzige tune. It’s been a long time since he let anyone sing any of his songs, but he graciously made an exception and let me use it — on condition that I made sure that the song before and after would be great, since Chazal remark that ‘Tov l’tzaddik, tov l’shcheino.’”

    Via Mishpacha End Note.

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