MUST SEE VIDEO: MBD Gives Tour Of Sea Gate; Pleads For Help For Victims


No words can properly describe the destruction in Sea Gate caused by Hurricane Sandy. No home was spared. Everyone suffered some type of damage, with many homes totally destroyed.

Mordechai Ben David (MBD), who is known as the “undisputed king of Jewish music”, is a long-time resident of Sea Gate. In this video, MBD takes the viewer on a tour of destroyed Sea Gate, starting from his own home, where his entire music-studio, along with many valuable and irreplaceable recordings were lost, to the Shomrim command center, to homes which have been completely destroyed.

Please help the people of Sea Gate rebuild this lives, by donating anything you can. Please visit to help.

NOTE: There are two additional funds set up to help victims of the Hurricane.

1 – New York’s leading Jewish Chesed groups have agreed to create an emergency fund to support local victims of Hurricane Sandy. The Emergency Sandy Chesed Fund will be managed by Chevra Hatzalah with the support of the following organizations: Hatzalah groups, Shomrim, Misaskim, Chaveirim, Met Council, Yad Ephraim and neighborhood Jewish Community Councils. It was formed at a meeting called by Councilman David G. Greenfield. All proceeds of the Emergency Sandy Chesed Fund will go directly to victims and victim services. No donations will be used for administration or overhead.

The community is encouraged to donate generously via this website:

2 – There are countless families in the Five Towns, Far Rockaway, Bayswater and Long Island that are totally wiped out, having suffered crippling losses, losing homes, cars, clothing, everything. They are literally left with only the proverbial clothing on their backs and are in a shocking situation. Hundreds of others have been severely impacted.

To assist our community in this time of desperation, the Achiezer organization has begun a campaign, chaired by distinguished baalei batim to allow those of us who are fortunate enough not to be suffering from the after effects of the hurricane, a once-in-a-lifetime direct pikuach nefesh opportunity. The trustees listed below will oversee the funds raised in this campaign to insure that every penny goes directly into the hands of those who have lost so much due to the devastating hurricane. A special accounting of every dollar will be available at the end of this campaign. Any monetary assistance, big or small, will help to alleviate the overwhelming need of our friends, neighbors and brothers. You can donate by clicking HERE.

Click HERE to watch this video on a mobile device.

(Chaim Shapiro – YWN)

13 Responses

  1. Do you know how many times I have asked where I can donate warm clothes inc coats? No one replies. Not everyone can donate $ but can give in other ways. I want to donate to Yidden…sorry, but they are my first priority. When I eventually get paid I can send a check but more immediately, I can donate canned food, socks, coats, sweaters, boots etc.

  2. I am from UK and have just sent $600 and i encourage others to send as much as you can. Even $small helps. Hatzlochoh to all the wonderful people out there …umi keamcho yisroel..

  3. We would be happy to have you drop off coats and warm clothes. We started a drop off center at 2294 Nostrand avenue near Avenue I. We have people coming in who really do need coats and sweaters and anything you can spare. tizku lemitzvos!

  4. We are also looking for volunteers to help sort and also for drivers to do pick ups for those people who dont have gas!Thank You

  5. The reality is- even if people have insurance, they still have a considerable deductible to pay. Compound that with the fact that many people’s “rainy day funds” have been depleted over the last 4 years, and you can see how this has been devastating to everyone. Ask yourself the question….what if it was me? What would I like others to do?

  6. “We helped Yidden and Non-Yidden”; That part was very apealing and inspirational.
    We should continue being Mechanech our children, to love, care for, and Daven, and worry about, the well being of Yidden and Non-Yidden.
    Being Mispallel only for ourselves, can indicate a sense of selfishness and might not have the proper effect.

  7. So here’s the question: Are these home owners going to rebuild or move to a safe location? Why should precious tzedakah funds go to rebuild when in all likelihood there will be a repeat of the same again and again?
    Its nice living by the water, but Man is not in control of natural disasters. V’nishmartem m’od l’nafshosechem. We should learn from the recent tsunamis and hurricanes that one is an idiot to live on the ocean where his life and property is at greater risk. I can’t believe that people who live on the water haven’t thought of the risk before and after purchasing their homes.

  8. remember tomorrow when you vote; vote for the movie star ouit of office. Instead of going into Sea Gate he went to New Jersey and than flew to vegas. Let him stay there. Get him out of the White House

  9. To # 8 cherrybim i know i am responding a couple of days late . First of all u think that wherever u live u r safe ? how many people get hurt or killed by car accidents , heart attacks , strokes , trees falling , cranes falling , buildings collapsing , craters , tornados and the list goes on and on everything that happens in this world or outside of it is done by the will of hashem (god) and there is no escaping from it . Second of all there is a commentator on the torah (the five books of moses) ohr hachaim hakadosh explains that when hashem created the world he split the water in half one half is ontop of the heavens and the other half is the water that is here with us and hahem is only making a miracle that the water from above does not come crashing on us and burying us under it which means by nature we should be buried under the water everybody in this world no difference where u live . Third if this would happen to u and your close family and not so close family would u also like for people to say and write such stupid insane mind boggling comments like u wrote while u r freezing have no clothing no food everything u had from when u were a child gone ? Or would u rather want people should help u wise guy ! If u do not want to help dont .hashem has alot of ways to help us those that have the merit to help in a time when there is so much problems in this world diseases monetary losses klal yisroel needs zchusim u r busy telling people where they should or should not live ?

  10. To # 8 cherrybim i know i am responding a couple of days late . First of all u think that wherever u live u r safe ? how many people get hurt or killed by car accidents , heart attacks , strokes , trees falling , cranes falling , buildings collapsing , craters , tornados and the list goes on and on everything that happens in this world or outside of it is done by the will of hashem (god) and there is no escaping from it . Second of all there is a commentator on the torah (the five books of moses) ohr hachaim hakadosh explains that when hashem created the world he split the water in half one half is ontop of the heavens and the other half is the water that is here with us and hahem is only making a miracle that the water from above does not come crashing on us and burying us under it which means by nature we should be buried under the water everybody in this world no difference where u live . Third if this would happen to u and your close family and not so close family would u also like for people to say and write such stupid insane mind boggling comments like u wrote while u r freezing have no clothing no food everything u had from when u were a child gone ? Or would u rather want people should help u wise guy ! If u do not want to help dont .hashem has alot of ways to help us those that have the merit to help in a time when there is so much problems in this world diseases monetary losses klal yisroel needs zchusim u r busy telling people where they should or should not live

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