Op-Ed: The Anti-Israel President

The US presidential election race is in full swing, and undoubtedly, the issue of Israel will play a major role, especially with the growing Iranian threat, a threat that is existential according to many experts. Nonetheless, the White House and US Department of State remain firm in their assessment, rejecting Israeli intelligence reports calling for an attack against Iran to halt its nuclear program, an attack that at the very least will set back Iranian nuclear aspirations for a number of years. Nonetheless, President Barak Obama remains confident that Iran is still at least a year away from building an atom bomb.

America remains Israel’s staunchest ally, but it must be realized that the president is not a friend of Israel. He has snubbed Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on more than one occasion and it is clear that his priorities are quite different than his predecessors. The White House has not hosted such an anti-Israel president since the days of Jimmy Carter, an outspoken enemy of Israel and the Jewish People as well as an outspoken advocate for the Palestine Authority.

Realizing how anti-Israel the president has been in his first term, one can only shudder to think what a second term would bring for Israel and the Jewish People. This in addition to what his administration has done to increase the US debt, reaching unprecedented numbers, bringing the United States to position that it is at the mercy of China.

For the sake of the United States and Israel we mustn’t make the same mistake twice.

Therefore it is important that you view this video prior to making a decision.

Click HERE to watch this video from a mobile device.

Nachum Rubin, Holon, Israel

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.



5 Responses

  1. of course he hates Israel He is A muslim & they believe they have a mitzva to destroy jews just like we have a mitzva to destroy amalek.

    with this in mind, he has been asisiting all muslim countries behind Israel’s back & does not even stop iran from getting closer & closer ti nuclear. Last time i remember recently when Israel told Obama they heading to iran, obama replied the USA will not join & backup Israel.

    its tragic that anyone would say that they look forward to this & await for it to come C”V. BUT When a son knows his parents or a Talmid his rebbe’s cheshbon, he never questions them, we had so many years to change our ways before the Melech Malchei Ha’melochim had to bring us to this situation Rachmana L’tzlan.

    Halevei if anyone knew the other side of the story & Hashems Cheshbon why this is Happening & why obama is president, then you will not be surprised if obama wins for president another 4 years C”V

    May we all do teshuva ASAP so this does not need to happen C”V

  2. This editorial is unfortunately very one-sided and fails to acknowledge how badly Netanyahu and mishandled the relationship with Obama personally, and the U.S. in general. I don’t agree with all that Obama has done but I sincerely believe he and Sect. of State Clinton want to find some basis for a long-term peace settlement. As long as Netanyahu panders to the Chareidi parties and refuses to make some concessions on the west bank issues, there is little liklihood that the U.S. will take him seriously on Iran terror threats. As far as snubs are concerned, after the way they treated Biden on his last visit and this game of routinely announcing new settlements just after each meeting with the U.S. suggest to me that both sides can show more common sense.

  3. I don’t know Nachum Rubin, the author of this piece. But echos my perceptions and feelings about the US president and the current situation in the Middle East and America. Therefore, I agree with everything Nachum Rubin wrote. Anyone voting for Obama in the coming elections he is voting against ahm Israel and against Eretz Israel.

  4. I don’t understand how anybody can even consider the possibility that someone who counts terrorists and antisemites as his personal friends and mentors can be good for the Jews, or a decent person. Imagine if Romney had even one friend or relative who was an antisemite (let alone, chas vesholom, a Nazi or a terrorist); the whole Jewish world would be against him, and any Jew who supported him would be afraid to say anything. And yet here we have the product of Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, Rashid Khalidi, Edward Said, Jeremiah Wright, Frank Marshall Davis, Michael Pfelger, and yet we are discussing whether he might or might not be anti-Israel?! What else could he be? Have we all forgotten the proverb “Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are”?

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