VIDEO: Fills Big Need!


[by Rabbi Ari Koretzky]

With the Siyam HaShas behind us, Klal Yisroel focuses its attention on the primacy of limud haTorah, celebrating those who have dedicated significant time and energy to embrace a relationship with Torah learning. In particular, we appreciate the value of consistent study leading toward a focused goal. A remarkable new tool,, is now available to aid in our quest to bring more learning into our lives, and to join the ranks of thousands globally engaged in a “Yomi” style learning program. In the first month there were over 1400 hits on the website and more then 100 people have signed up.

The brainchild of a baltimore based entrepenour and Torah educator, globalizes and streamlines the process of locating a chavrusa (study partner) who meets one’s interests, background and schedule. Its chief utility lies in its simplicity; the user simply inputs his desired learning criteria and can find one-on-one learning opportunities in-person or via telephone or video chat/Skype for any time, topic and place in the world. “I had a night chavrusa for 15 minutes an evening on the phone” the founder says. “We accomplished so much in a year in just that short daily time; I realized that I could squeeze a few more of these in during my day but I didn’t know where to start to find others who might be interested.” Enter Chavrusa Match to actualize that journey.

Rabbi Moshe Yitzchak Markowitz,, feels that the new site will redefine the playing field of how people can find chavrusas. “It’s like a shidduch site for learning!” He also expects it will encourage people to pack in learning sessions during times they otherwise would have never considered, specifically helpful for the Yomi programs that can often be completed in limited time each session. Markowitz recently founded, a website that revamped the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Yomi program, and feels the ChavrusaMatch site will be “indispensable” to helping him complete this cycle with others.

Yitzie Pretter, a real estate developer believes that this will change the playing field for people looking to learn Torah, but need the structure and give and take of a Chavrusa. “This is a great way to use the internet for a way to increase Torah learning”, says Pretter.

A Jew who travels often or lives in a far flung location. A mother of young children. Someone with an unorthodox work schedule. All of these and more will benefit from Chavrusa Match. Anybody in the world who needs a chavrusa will know that they can go to this site to find that person.

Chavrusa Match launched Wednesday, August 1st. It is available to men and women (separately only) of all ages, interest and educational backgrounds. There is no charge for using the site. As a special initial promotion, the first 500 people who sign up and post a learning request will be entered into a raffle for a free trip to Israel! Log on, add your profile and begin your search for a meaningful learning experience.

Opportunities are available to sponsor a day, week or month Lily Nishmas (In memory) of a loved one.

Chavrusamatch is also looking for “captains” in cities across the county to help get the word out.

Website was designed by MTM Productions and logo was designed by Studio613 Graphic design

Click HERE to watch this video on a mobile device.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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