VIDEO: Satmar Rebbes Meet on Bris Milah Concerns


Amid growing concerns of new guidelines that will compromise the long-standing minhag yisrael pertaining to bris milah, many rabbonim are uniting to begin the battle against the NYC Health Department on the metzitzah b’peh (MBP) issue.

Perhaps an indicator of just how worrisome the situation is, the Satmar Rebbes Shlita are pushing their differences aside to join forces in the battle against a common enemy, efforts supported by NYC Mayor Bloomberg and others to compel a change in the performance of bris milah.

An Asifa of Satmar rabbonim was held on Wednesday, 18 Elul 5772 to discuss the issue. Leading Satmar askanim reported on the situation, explaining they have met with public officials and in the meantime, nothing has changed regarding the MBP issue, but city health officials are moving in this direction. The rabbonim mentioned that even in Russia such a ban did not exist, but here, in NYC that is the direction city officials seem to be heading.

The rabbonim stated this is what is taking place in Europe and California, and B”H rabbonim are responding to the kol korei to unite to fight the gezeiros.

Admor Rav Aaron Shlita (Kiryas Yoel) is quoted as saying “We must launch an information campaign to persuade people the concerns are lies. There is no connection between harming a child and performing the mitzvah of bris milah in line with tradition. They are laboring to show there is a connection so we must explain this is not so, not just in accordance to the Torah, but also in reality it is not true. Halacha teaches us that even regarding the spilling of wine we mustn’t compromise, and this is יהרג ואל יעבור.

“We must explain this is the way the mitzvah must be performed. One may listen to one physician or another, but this is the only way it’s done. Legitimate tangible actions must be taken – we have the people [behind us].

“All of chareidi Jewry will unite as one and it will be realized this is not an individual but a community, around the world, and they must be informed there is no danger.

“We must focus on the issue, that there is not a danger, and this is the only way one performs the mitzvah.”

One of the rabbonim present asked “If the public sees the rabbis say ‘there is no danger’ but the doctors say ‘there is a danger’ who will they believe?”

The rebbe responded “There are Jewish doctors so we will take the doctors that will write there is no danger.”

Click HERE to watch this video on a mobile device.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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