WATCH: Musaf At The Scheiner Minyan In Uman On Rosh Hashanah

12 Responses

  1. While the energy and Simcha in this video is contagious and the Scheiner operation in Uman is beyond inspiring….
    I am shocked and horrified by the nonchalant headline sharing a video taken on Yom Tov.
    I assume it was taken by a non Jew and there may be differing halachic opinions on whether that is mutar or not, but for generations yiddin had a sensitivity to Shabbos and Yom Tov to not capture these most special moments on camera.
    YWN has a tremendous responsibility being the kosher destination online for yeshiva families and this break from tradition and possibly halacha is horrifying.
    I think YWN should remove this video and replace it with an essay about what is wrong with posting such a video.
    Making a mistake is ok and takes big people to admit it and do the right thing to right the wrong .

  2. I agree that maybe video that was taken by a yid rcm”l shouldn’t be posted, but I would love to see more videos whats going on there, in all big minyanim. if it this Uman choge wouldn’t have always fall on Rosh Hashona, I would have gone one year to watch it , but since by coincidence it always on the same days as the Yiddish rosh hasona, i can’t go. YWN should have a Ukrainian video all the minyanim and have some kind of a report how many pepole are there, how many Sefardim vs Ashkanazim, chasidim litvish, normal above normal… how many (if any) normal minyanim that there no dancing in middle of davining..
    I assume that Israeli media ( ערוץ 2 ערוץ 10) has done documentary on this, does anyone have information?

  3. There is nothing to prevent a goy from doing whatever he wants on Shabbos or Yom Tov; there are no differing halachic opinions about that. Indeed for generations we have used goyim for our benefit on Shabbos and Yom Tov to do things we are halachicly forbidden from doing. The first halachic issue is whether the yidden should have left the area where the photography was taking place. However in this we can be don lekav zechus and imagine that none of them knew they were being photographed. That leaves two questions: was it mutar for whoever sent the video to YWN to do so and is it mutar for YWN to have published it and continue to publish it. Maybe Rabbi Hoffman can write a piece dealing with this.

  4. I fail to understand how this is in keeping with the spirit of ראש השנה. I f a breslover has a tradition to dance and sing on יום הדין, a day that even the מלאכים יחפזון let them. But why are others there? I don”t understand.

  5. Putting aside the issue of whether the video was taken by a goy or c’v one of the mispallalim, and if the former, whether it is still ok to post such a video taken by a goy on yom tov, how do we know this was musaf or whatever? Is this nigun unique to musaf on Rosh Hashanah?

  6. this is more appropriate for simchat torah than yemai hadin. the breslover brought their honored rabbi berland to uman – such tzidkus; taking videos on the second day of RH should be their greatest sin. many profit from their pilgrimage – drug dealers, prostitutes and the like.

  7. Guys,

    The one who said it was a Ukrainian taking the video is correct. I was there! To the one who speculated that a Jew might have taken it, cmon? If u don’t know you must be dan lchaf zchus, everyone here seems so knowledgeable so why does this din slip by your analytical brain. This minyan was amazing. Who knows how many people came to davening and stayed because of this uplifting minyan. The davening you guys are used to wouldn’t attract certain segments of this crowd. While I also understand why people want to be critical they don’t know the whole picture, there are so many factors of who went and why they went where they are holding etc…that to speculate is foolish and dangerous. Now I see why the chofetz Chaim on Hilchos Lokshin hora is so spot on about what you can say and even if true there has to be a purpose, and if not true well the sin of motzei Shem Ra towers over a chevra dancing to the Chazzans tune during a piyut. You should shudder to even say anything negative about a tzibbur of Jews that pray to the best of their ability, myself or anyone else here can’t really be the judge. Let’s not forget through the sin of Loshon hora the bais hamikdosh was destroyed and last check still hasn’t been rebuilt. Let’s start a ahavos chinom project and I’ll start by saying so many well meaning Jews davened beautifully to hashem to crown him as king and such a holy day what a pleasure to see. It’s should be rebuilt speedily with well meaning he’s looking to draw closer to hashem each in their own way.

    Am Yisroel kedoshim. What a kiddush hashem!!

  8. @honest reporting 18

    Having been there myself, I can attest to all you said. The mussaf lasted over 3 hours and this is what comes to light. It’s a shame how many people will only see the negativity, especially as we get ready for Yom Hadin. If all the yidden in the world would even start emulating the ahavas chinam that UMAN was enveloped in Moshiach would be here in no time.

    ‘Rosh HaShana Sheli Oleh Al Hakol’.

    Ashreinu Shezuchinu

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