VIDEO & PHOTOS: English Dirshu Siyum HaShas at Binyanei HaUmah


Over a thousand people gathered at Binyanei HaUmah in Yerushalayim for the English Dirshu Siyum HaShas. The event was graced with the presence of HaRav Yitzchak Scheiner, HaRav Yosef Chaim Sitruk, HaRav Simcha HaKohen Kook, HaRav Aharon Dovid Dunner, as well as other English speaking rabbonim. Entertainmant was provided by Nachman Seltzer and the Shira Chadasha Boys Choir as well as an orchestra conducted by Rabbi Ruvy Banet accompanied children’s choir with Rabbi Chaim Banet.

Credits: Kuvien Images –


YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE to see the photos.

Click HERE to watch this video from a mobile device.

PHOTOS: Siyum HaShas In Belz Kehilos Of New York

PHOTOS: Siyum HaShas For ‘Mifal HaShas’ In Homes Of Gedolei Yisroel

VIDEO & PHOTOS: English Dirshu Siyum HaShas at Binyanei HaUmah

Siyum HaShas WILL Take Place In MetLife Stadium Despite Weather Reports

PHOTOS: Siyum HaShas In Belz Kehilos In Bnei Brak

PHOTOS: Shas Siyum HaShas in Teddy Stadium

VIDEO & PHOTOS: Dirshu Siyum HaShas At Yad Eliyahu Stadium

PHOTOS: Siyum Hashas Concludes In Melbourne Australia

VIDEO & PHOTOS: London Siyum HaShas

PHOTOS: Siyum HaShas In Lelov

PHOTOS: Siyum HaShas In Moditz Brachfeld (JDN)

PHOTOS: Siyum HaShas In Kehilos Shatz Vishnitz

PHOTOS: Siyum HaShas In Bais Knesses Chevron (JDN)

VIDEO & PHOTOS: Preparations for the Yerushalayim Siyum HaShas

PHOTOS: Marking 30 Days To The Siyum HaShas At The kosel

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. Please recheck your audience count. I was in the women’s video room and counted over 1,000 women! From what we saw of the men’s section on the video, the hall was full – certainly 3,000 men in attendance.

  2. Siyum HaShas in Manchester UK (the shiur of Rav Simcha Bamberger shlita, who gives 3 shiurim a day) had sit-down catered hot 4-course meal for 1200-1400 people. Amazing organisation!
    Anyone know of a larger fully-catered seudas mitzvah this week?

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