WATCH THIS: Woman Refuses To Switch Seats On ‘Heiman Bus’ From NY To Montreal

36 Responses

  1. These people have bad attitudes and chutzpah. If the owner of a bus tells them to move, they should be doing that. They don’t have respect for authority. Would they move if a dark skinned man would ask them to?

  2. They’re probably Modern Orthodox. What is MO? Rebel Jews who know just enough Halocho to cause problems for those of us who respect and observe Torah Law.

  3. Was the Chassidish fellow an employee or owner of the bus company? Does he have the right to force someone to change seats?

  4. Drugcoomish in L.A. your comments doesn’t show that you respect or observe Torah Law. You don’t accuse an entire community of something you THINK may be true. It is Choshed biKisherim. The pasuk says lo yachel divaro even if those people don’t hold that it is wrong for a man to sit next to a woman, they should respect people who hold that way especially if the community that runs the bus company holds that way.
    Kov Tuv,
    MO Jew

  5. תיהי חכם ולא צדק, this what should be applied here, the owner/driver should have ignore them if they don’t want to end uo in endless lawsuits (in US and Canada) press/social media will be delighted with this story (starting from MO/OO up to the French Anti-Semites in Montreal). Even if it was a setup how many times would they do it.
    they should have eye-masks (like the ones you get in first-class, on planes) available, for the men for such a situation.
    What was the end of the story??

  6. The end of the story was that the bus driver called the police and the officers forced that woman and her male friend to leave the bus since the bus owner has the right to decide who he permits on his private bus.

  7. Drugcommish in LA, please tell me what you are so I can be anything but that. I don’t want to belong to a sector who hates MO and thinks it’s okay to speak lashon hara about them.

  8. who cares!!! this is what people are worried about???
    get over it, so many more issues to deal with in this world.
    A SEAT?????

  9. Earlier I wrote that these people are wrong. On the other hand the heimishe Yid should have saved that seat for himself,
    by putting a coal or suitcase on it. This way no one would be able to sit there. Also, it’s not comfortable to go all the
    way to the back of a bus, instead of the front. There are two sides to every story.

  10. It was totally disrespectful of that woman. It is a privately owned bus and they can choose whatever they want for there passengers to abide! She can go with public transportation and sit wherever she wants! No respect whatsoever , but it figures that’s what many people her age act like today! Very sad!!

  11. The woman have every right to sit in any seat they choose and the owner is prohibited by law to force a woman to sit in the back.

    Maybe the woman was not kind and considerate of other peoples religious orientation but the owner certainly was not correct and could get himself into a lot of trouble with the law.

    Being frum used to be erhlicht, but today it mostly behaimas dressed in black. Sad…..

  12. Chevra, the gedarim of tsnius differ by community. The question here is whether this bus line receives government funding as had to abide by secular norms, or of the are a privatley funded venture.

    Also, there is a way to speak with people. Even in yerushalayim and bnei brak, if you want to sit with your wife you sit in the middle out of courtesy to the rest of the riders. Not sure if this was an option, but there are ways to do things so that nobody feels little or less than.

  13. some people like to create attention for no reason. its a public bus company, and there are other ways to ask a woman to relocate her seat. the way it was done even i would not have moved and i am a man.

  14. The woman is wrong!

    There are rules even on public busing. This bus companies runs a bus service for a certain clientele. And therefore have all the right to make rules based on that business model!!!!!

    Besides the point, she and soft spoken boyfriend have no middos! Talking softly doesn’t make nice! A snake bites without making noise!!

  15. To y2r. What does soft spoken have to do with anything, they felt taken advantage of by being interrogated by the man. All of a sudden he wants his seat!

  16. Wow chutzpadik, she should’ve got up when asked to do so. It’s a private bus company so they don’t have to serve the general public.

  17. There is still a way of how to talk to people especially customers who pay for their seats. Don’t bring religion into this. He’s making up stories by saying this is his seat and then he says the other one is his seat, then he wants both of them to get up. He is not speaking like a yid, he is speaking like an animal. Speaking like a mensch, treating others with respect without embarrassing them is more important than whatever policy they may have regarding males sitting next to females. He could’ve asked them politely to come off the bus so he can speak to them. His entire demeanor was rude. That’s more important then a man sitting next to a woman and I’m not modern Orthodox. I hope she pursues legal counsel.

  18. Wow, drugcommish, perhaps you forget that we finished the 3 weeks not so long ago and that Elul is right around the corner. You obviously have no idea what you’re talking about.

  19. Half the comments: The woman is WRONG!!!!
    Half the comments: the chassid is WRONG!!!!
    Reality: both parties acted somewhat inappropriately.
    In all likelihood, the woman was not just sitting in the most convenient place, or trying to take a stand for a cause that she believed in, but just trying to cause some trouble.
    However, the chassid should have just taken the smart path and ignored her. Instead he acted in exactly the way she hoped he would, getting angry and (apparently) calling the cops.
    Solution for the future: just have men and women sit on the right/left side of buses. Or have men sit in the back.

  20. My blood is boiling. watching this was quite upsetting.
    I agree.. these two are probably looking for a lawsuit – this was likely staged. Unfortunately there are people that make a living from lawsuits and with all the recent publicity with the airlines it feeds the parasites with more ideas to milk the system.
    The calm response from the couple is so practiced. They were prepared for this and were hoping to incite this man.
    If they do sue I hope it costs them big bucks and they LOSE. It’s time the judges start realizing that these people are crooks.

  21. although I agree with the bus company on a personal level, what would be the response if another company told the jews they need to move to back of the bus? Would they have such a right as a private company ?

  22. I once had to sit in the front of an excellent bus. The first seat on the left. I was asked to move. I explained that the child sitting next to me was in a wheelchair they let me be. When the driver got back to base he got a lot of flack for it. but again he explained she was w/c bound and the company let it go. There is always another side to a story. I also called the company that morning and explained that I couldn’t expect them to send a w/c accessible bus on such short notice but that I needed that front seat.

  23. Once she was told the seat was his she should have moved
    she did not have to like it but she should have believed him and moved her tush.
    They were not merely upset because they lost a good seat .. it’s deeper and meaner than that

  24. The man in the clip is Mr. Heimann who is the original owner of the bus company.
    This morning I heard that this whole thing was a set-up to try to prove gender discrimination.
    Luckily Mr. Heimann at no time claimed that the female passenger had to move because of her gender, just that this was his seat.
    If you recall, several years ago a woman sued Monsey Trails because of the curtain down the middle of their buses, but she failed.
    If this bus were funded by the government, they might have a claim, but since it is entirely independent and privately owned, then all passengers have to abide by the rules set by the owners!

  25. There is a total lack of respect! Their actions were inexcusable ! They deliberately tried to infuriate him! If you don’t like the rules on the bus PICK ANOTHER BUS LINE! No one is forcing you to take this bus! They knew the rules before entering the bus and this was NOT the first time they pulled this prank!

  26. This boy and girl are notorious troublemakers they were only there to cause trouble and disrespect the Chareidi way of life. B”H they don’t represent any legitimate torahdike group in Klal Yisrael. Boy their parents can shep nachas………. nebach.

  27. Heiman’s bus is run by a very chassidish family. They welcome all customers (non jews too) with only one rule which is that women are not to sit in the front of the bus with the chassidish men. If you are a family ( husband and wife travelling-) they usually try to put you in the middle of the bus as a happy compromise. If it was sooo important for that particular couple to sit together in the front of the bus then they could have traveled with Greyhounds.

  28. I’m not taking a position as to who was right. However, do any of those who are attacking the character, beliefs and intentions of the woman actually know her? If not, you committed either lashon harah or were motzei shem rah. I believe both are actual lavs, as opposed to a woman sitting in front or next to a man

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