WATCH: Motorcade Of The Satmar Rebbe Of Williamsburg Heading To Kever Of Divrei Yoel On The Yartzheit

As YWN reported earlier, today (Friday) is the 38th Yartzheit of the Satmar Rebbe ZATZAL – the Divrei Yoel.

This video is the Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg Shlita, as his motorcade arrived to the Kever in middle of the night along with thousands of his Chassidim.

16 Responses

  1. Is this mode of transportation sanctioned by the authorities, or did a bunch of chassidim with lights on their cars determine themselves that this was appropriate?

  2. Nice to see they all have their emergency lights on as though they’re responding to an actual emergency. I guess another state investigation is in order. These people never learn.

  3. Wow. They have a larger motorcade than the President of the United States. Making a ton of noise. Must be a very special person. Azey heilig. Mamesh amazing. What we are zoche to, to have in our generation.

  4. What gets my goat here is; what is the Rebbe thinking and how does he let this go on?

    Yah… perhaps that’s what sums it up for all these folks (in the middle of the night – with nothing else to do).

  5. I live in a sunbelt state, there is a shortage of funds, very few state troopers, almost never see any. At the height of Rush-hour gridlock when all 10 lanes aren’t moving on a Friday evening, a convey of giant motor-coaches for HIGH SCHOOL football players are guided along by a fleet of state troopers. The troopers wave at people to drive up on the medians, etc to get out of the way.

    I’m not going to say how offensive that is in the fall, at the peak of the evening Friday rush hour, but, considering everyone has some type of nonsense going on. I was sooooooo amused that it looks like no one was moving for this motorcade. Wish they did that for the high school kids here.

  6. This Is How they SHould Respond When NEtrurei Karta rally with those on the sides of Murderers of Jews. With Zeal and numbers. Imagine the impression when during a chilul Hashem of hasidic looking men rallying Against Israel with Arabs and then thousands of Satmar chasidim arrive in a motircade saying “You are NOT Satmar! You are Oys Varfs!”

  7. the problem is that in Olem Hames, he (and other rebbes) will think that all the gates of Gan Eden will open for his motorcade and sirens. I am not sure it will help him there. and if he made any person wait longer in traffic b/c he needed to get there …..

  8. Olam haSheker encapsulated.
    In the next world he and his smoldering motorcade will join the rest of us eleven or even twelve months late, and will be delegated seats in the nosebleed section.

  9. Please can someone explain to me why on earth this is NOT a chilul Hashem!

    SATMAR! We are in GOLUS!!!! PLEASE PLEASE keep a low profile!!!

  10. This cannot be for real….even moshe rabenu was not zoche such a motorcade….I suspect there is some very active imagination and photoshopping invovled since Rav Yolish Z”TL would be turning over in his kever if he knew his son was engaged in such a show of gaavah and narcisism.

    Moderators Note: You can’t be too much of a “Gadol” if you think this rebbe is the son of the Divrei Yoel.

  11. FYI:

    This Satmar Rebbe was in Kiryas Joel for Shabbos. He had just several blocks to drive from his KJ yarzeit seudah to the Bais Hachayim.

    This was filmed at 12:30 AM, but since, for political reasons there are people who deliberately attempt to block his entry to the Tzion (as you can see in the clip) the sirens were used to clear the way for his vehicle. It took a long time for him and his chasidim to finally get through. This was not an just an entourage – this was police escort for security reasons!

    Sadly this is the history of this shtetel for decades. We are used to it!

    So all you self-righteous commentators – please get your story straight!!

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