We May Need a Status Quo for Chilonim in Eretz Yisrael

Ichud HaLeumi MK Yaakov Katz (Ketzaleh) told a session of the Knesset Education Committee that in a number of years we may have to establish a status quo to protect the rights of the secular minority, telling committee members that soon, the majority of the residents of Israel will be shomer shabbos.

Katz addresses how some committee members are confident that in 10-15 years, the children of MK (Yahadut HaTorah) Moshe Gafne will be holding a M-16, confident they will be in the IDF, seeking to explain “the parameters are changing”.

He explained that to date, the state was primarily chiloni, non religious, and the religious community has the so-called status quo that has set the religious character of the state in place. He explained that when he was in IDF officers training in 1971, there were three cadets wearing kipot out of 150 in the group while today, the number of cadets with kipot is 50-60%.

“If we take these parameters and apply it, who knows. Perhaps in 20-30 years the religious majority will have to make a status quo to protect the secular minority”.

Katz adds that the natural growth of the frum and chareidi community is 3-6.5% annually as compared to the chiloni population with 1.8%.

Therefore Katz believes in 20-30 years the religious or chareidi community that runs the country will have to protect the chilonim and that is statistically sound.

“We are one people and one land… and we must think in terms of the future, schools, democracy and realize the importance of education, whether it is secular or otherwise”.

Click HERE to watch this video on a mobile device.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. The hilonim will never agree to being a protected minority. TO them, Israel is their land, and everyone who isn’t part of the secualr Ashkenazi elite, is an interloper.

  2. what is the difference between the frum and charadi community, it should be the modern orthodox (kippa sruga) and the frum-charadi (black hat) communities.

    BTW, it don’t work giving chilonim the right to drive on shabbos. Once the shomer mitzvot come to power, it will be lights out on shabbos desecration in the holy land!

  3. He shouldn’t gloat. There won’t be a status quo for chilonim and not for RZs either. There will be one “quo,” Torah.

  4. you can be sure there will always be an ‘ashkenazi elite’ – the only question is whether they are chillonim as until now or a new charedi elite – made of talmidei chachomim and yorei shamayim. and if they are charedi we hope they will show more dignity and respect to our sephardi brothers than their predecessors.

  5. #8, since most frum Jews in Israel are sefardi, and historically it is sefardim who have considered themselves an elite and looked down on ashkenazim rather than the other way around, what makes you think the “charedi elite” will be ashkenazi?

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