VIDEO & PHOTOS: David Storobin Joins The NYS Senate; Hikind Does Not Attend Swearing-In Ceremony


State Sen. David Storobin, a Republican from Brooklyn, was sworn in on Monday in the Senate chamber in Albany. Storobin narrowly won the 27th District, which will no longer exist come January and was formerly represented by Carl Kruger, a Democrat who resigned and pleaded guilty to corruption charges.

Meanwhile, Gestetner Updates points out that Assemblyman Dov Hikind was in Albany yesterday but despite invitation did not attend the swearing-in of David Storobin who recently won the State Senate District 27 Special Election; a seat that represents Hikind’s neighborhood.

Some insiders were “schmoozing” that Hikind snubbed Storobin because Hikind is backing Simcha Felder for the new Super Jewish District; one which will replace the 27’Th seat and one where Storobin will according to some likely be a candidate on the Republican line. But Hikind tells Gestetner Updates that this assertion is patently false. Said Hikind:

“No no Chas V’shulem. God forbid. I did not snub him. I spoke with him yesterday a few times. In fact, he and his mother were recently at my Shabbos table. I consider him a friend. However we were yesterday literally in session and I had many meetings all day long too so I did not attend. But sure I congratulated him for his win. He is the State Senator now.”

When I pressed him on the words “he is State Senator now,” Hikind said that he works with all elected officials once they are in office but “soon things will move to the next chapter,” which he likely meant to say that the Super Jewish election will heat up; a race where Hikind publicly backed Felder.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos by Hillel Engel.

Click HERE to watch this video on a mobile device.

2 Responses

  1. His election accomplished everything. It’s a pity that he was kept from taking his seat for so long, but it’s the final result that counts.

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