WATCH: Resident In Chestnut Ridge [Rockland County] Asks Publicly How To Slow The Jews Down

14 Responses

  1. Is this guy Jewish? Invite him over for a shabbos meal show him we aren’t crazy fanatics but rather a group of people with something incredible to offer to every community.

  2. Your article title is a little misleading. I don’t recall him saying anything about slowing the “Jews” down, he is talking about the religious vs non-religious character of a neighborhood. Let’s be honest. As Frum Jews, we tend to want to live in Frum areas with Frum neighbors. Why should it surprise you the non-Frum people want to live in non-Frum neighborhoods with non-Frum neighbors. Does it only work one way?

  3. He sounded reasonable. He didn’t seem to be speaking out of hate. He wasn’t saying, as your headline is insinuating, anything Anti Semitic. He was expressing his true feelings. He did admit that the law is the law & basically can’t do anything to stop them from moving in/taking over. The same things have been said in Jackson, Toms River, certain parts of Staten Island, Bloomingburg, etc…The way he said the word “Shul” so clearly, leads one to believe that he is Jewish himself. The only aitza to placate the neighbors, IS TO ACT LIKE A MENSCH AND TREAT THEM WITH DERECH ERETZ, then they will except you and treat you like a mensch. By moving in with this arrogant, si kumpt tzu mir attitude, and treating & looking at the long time residents with disdain, you will only bring hatred upon yourself.

  4. In 2010 an orthodox boys high school tried opening in ramot aleph to serve the needs of the dati community in ramot.The chareidi rabonim in ramot,the chareidim on the city councel, and the yated neman went postal.
    Their official press release was to the effect of “We will fight with all our might against this breech in the wall that threatens the composition of the neighborhood.”
    They forgot to mention that ramot aleph was never intended to be a homogeneous community.
    There are too many examples of frum yidden reacting like this gentleman to allow for his condemnation.
    On the other side, what was done by the frum community to mitigate these concerns from the beginning?
    Or were they dismissed as anti semitism, and exacerbated deliberatly to force the non religious out?

  5. #5 Give us your tele address etc so he can get in touch with you or, better yet, find out his tele etc and go ahead and invite them

  6. #1 Give us your tele address etc so he can get in touch with you or, better yet, find out his tele etc and go ahead and invite them

  7. I agree withe majority of these comments the headline is very misleading and he is asking a reasonable question.
    Unfortunately for him the answer is probably “nothing”.
    But as nice people we should make it as easy as possible for the people who are already living there.

  8. At the risk of repeating what has already been said, I have to agree with 3, 4 and 5. Much too often, religious, in particular “ultra-orthodox”, communities tend to go nuts if anyone outside the community moves in. And the reality is that when people who are not personally served by an institution, like the public schools that do not serve the orthodox and in particular the ultra-orthodox, take over management, the institution is too often quickly trashed instead of made better. And especially in the “exile”, all this does is fan anti-Semitism.

  9. Reply to by not getting involved

    You write, The only aitza to placate the neighbors, IS TO ACT LIKE A MENSCH AND TREAT THEM WITH DERECH ERETZ, then they will except you and treat you like a mensch. By moving in with this arrogant, si kumpt tzu mir attitude, and treating & looking at the long time residents with disdain, you will only bring hatred upon yourself”

    You are a self hating Jew. Why do you assume that’s the case. Do you know any facts over here. You assume that everyone has that attitude of kumts mir. Maybe do research before you curse your fellow Jews. It’s actually a beautiful neighborhood where everyone strives to accommodate & befriend their neighbors, Jewish & non Jewish alike. Unlike you, who clearly has a vendetta against Jews

  10. The interesting thing is he says he’s living in his father’s house which he presumably inherited. So he didn’t even buy a house in the area. The solution for him is to sell his house for much more than it would likely be worth if the Jews had not moved in to the neighborhood.

  11. I haven’t watched the video clip yet. But I do want to say this to Uncle Ben:
    It is not anyone else’s business how a person came to be living peacefully in his home.

    My sister moved to an area of Chestnut Ridge that had ZERO frum people living there. She and 2 others moved in. They are pleasant to the neighbors, and hopefully, the dozens (more than 85) of families who have moved into the neighborhood since, are following the tone set by the first ones.
    And yet…
    Think about it.
    Imagine if you lived in a house, knew your neighbors, have some feel for your community, and then people start moving in who really are different. And not really inclusive either.

    My sister is friendly, but her children are never going to become friends with the non-Jewish neighbors, no matter how neighborly they are! They aren’t even going to “try”. They will be polite, but it is obvious that these 85+ families are interactive with each other, to the exclusion of everyone else in the area! It’s actually a beautiful area with many wonderful families moving in, and becoming a new community. But the original homeowners who are happy to continue living in the neighborhood they have lived in for years, are not going to ever be part of the fabric that connects young frum families!

    My relatives invite their irreligious neighbors for occasions, and try to really be caring and friendly. The Purim seuda is becoming a tradition. She has gone out of her way to borrow eggs from the irreligious elderly couple down the street! But my sister will certainly will never accept a reciprocal invitation for dinner!

    Money is not everything. Some people just want to continue living where they have settled. Even if they are not resistant to change, this is different. Because they can not ever really become significant friends with their new neighbors. And they know that.

    Wouldn’t you be a bit resentful?

    And that is in addition to the valid concern many people in Rockland have that somehow, despite strict zoning laws, sooner or later, somebody is going to come in, knock down the beautiful trees, and built large multi-family buildings that are completely out-of-character for the area. You would have to be in serious denial not to acknowledge that that is what has happened in the center of Monsey and Spring Valley. When you move in to a neighborhood, it is mentschlich to adjust to your surroundings. But there are people who seem to have a different approach. They may or may not realize it, but they come into a new area aggressively, as a group, with overt intention to “take over”. They get variances that change the entire nature of the neighborhood. That hasn’t happened yet in Chestnut Ridge, but we all know that it is very possible for that to happen. If it does, it’s not only the non-Jews, or non-religious Jews who would be unhappy. The frum families that are currently there, enjoying the suburban environment, wouldn’t appreciate it either. Many, as happened in other areas, would feel like their neighborhood was hijacked; it’s not the type of place they invested in, to raise their children, and grow old along with their familiar neighbors.
    And maybe they will feel compelled to move again, no matter how inconvenient that may be.

    Would that mean that these frum, wholesome Jews would become anti-semites?!

  12. ‘to thinking out loud’

    how far back do you want to go, lets say nyc, why was it allowed to develop into such huge city. Maybe it shouldve stayed small like in peter minuet’s day? And so you can complain on all expantions…

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