WATCH: The Quickest Hand Matzah Baking – Done In Under 2 Minutes From Start To Finish

7 Responses

  1. It is quick!
    It is amazing!
    It is machine!! albeit only the oven is electric, all the rest is machine (knead, roll, shtibble)

  2. When the Sanzer Ruv and other Gedolim of his time prohibited machine matzos, it was actually rollers turned by HAND. There was no electric movement at all. Think about it.

  3. This video didn’t actually show a matzoh being being created in 2 minutes. The dough made at the beginning isn’t actually the one rolled and made into matzos, is probably at least an extra minute till the original dough makes it way through the production line.

    Also, they’re using many hand machines, such as the rollers and perforators, which isn’t used in the pure hand matzos production line like Komemius, Popah Tzelem, Pe’er etc.

    So I’m sure their matzos are great, but you’re not seeing a hand matzoh made in 2 minutes here.

  4. #5: The Mechaber says that any flour not absorbed by the dough, becomes inactivated by the heat of the oven and can never become chometz – even after mixed with water.

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