WATCH THIS: Violent Peleg Yerushalmi Protesters Kick And Beat Woman, Call Her Names Until Rescued By Cops

This clip is being played on Tuesday night on Channel 2 and other news outlets in Israel, when a woman had to be rescued from a pack of violent “Peleg Yerushalmi” protesters who kicked and beat her. She was called “Shiksa” and the police were called “Nazis” as they rescued the woman.

38 Responses

  1. This question is directed at anyone who supports these protests.

    I’m not asking or arguing whether the protests are harmful, beneficial, kiddush hashem, chilul hashem etc…

    I just want to know…i clearly saw someone kicking the woman. What is the heter for any physical contact with that woman?

  2. how embarrassed am I as an older avraich and former Torah instructor to see such disgusting actions for those who claim to ‘learn Torah’.


  3. Shameful, I hope the parents of the boy trying to kick the woman see this and seriously punish him ,what a chillul H’!

  4. Horrible, horrible. It takes a certain type of kid to partake in these protests and come to this ugly behavior. Kids that are looking for trouble. I would never let my child participate in these protests simply because I’d be afraid for him to witness this terrible, non-Torahdig behavior.
    The only time Rebbetzin Kanievsky became infuriated in public was when a bachur yelled derogatory words at a group of (not-yet frum) girls that she was escorting out of her home. She told the boy “everyone is welcome in my home- except for you!” and she was so shaken by the whole incident that she had to rest and take sedatives after. (story is from her biography)
    These boys are behaving the same way as the boy in the story, and why should Hashem give their anti-draft efforts any hatzlacha then? For this one incident alone, the protests should be called off!

  5. Disgusting behavior. That is the fundamental danger in these sorts of protests. They draw out the crazies. With a crowd to hide in, it is easy for a Rashah to release his evil.

  6. To adocs: From the phrasing of your question it sounds like you’re challenging them on the basis of negiah. Surely physical violence against another Jew, let alone a mob attacking a woman, is the bigger problem?

  7. As was reported, 50,000-60,000 people attended the protest which was graced by the presence of Gedolei Yisroel. No doubt this was a magnificent Kiddush Hashem!!

    A few provocateurs joined the event, of course, in order to slander Gedolei Yisroel and heilige yidden.

  8. #12 The problem is that some Hareidi have their own rules. While physical violence makes the perpetrator simply a Rasha, some Hareidi take a line out of the Chazon Ish literally (or pretend to take it literally) to make negiah a yeihorag v’al yaavor (like murder, idolatry etc.)

  9. I should clarify that I am not referring to adocs as the Hareidi in question. I am assuming that adocs is referring to the Hareidi in the protests as one of those with this yeihorag v’al yaavor idea, presumably because of the way they shout such things as “Shiksa”.

  10. ITS A TREMENDOUS CHILUL HASHEM EVEN IF WE DON’T KNOW HOW IT STARTED AND ITS JUST A LITTLE KID THATS NOT AN EXCUSE BUT IF I WOULD LIKE TO ASK – what is a bigger chillul hashem what this kid that has no daas did or that awhen there is a demonstration led by some of the greatest gedolei hador all we get to hear about from a yeshiva news network is that from the tens of thousands there there was a little kid who kicked a woman please post I’m waiting for answers next time we here antisemites accusing all the jews based on what one person did we’ll know that were not much different there was an announcement in the name of R’ Shmuel Auerbach that everyone should be carefull to leave the gathering quietly and there was a boy clearly not from the peleg who caused a chillul hashem but we have to here about it that after the hafganah of the ‘peleg’… if that is not antisemitism what is.

  11. Only one little kid made any physical contact with her (by kicking.) Obviously he shouldn’t have due to negia. But as far as the rest of what’s happening, the video doesn’t show what she did before this clip starts.

  12. This clip was one of the most horrifying things I’ve seen. It reminded me of the clip from the Muslim Brotherhood protests several years ago in Egypt when they dragged a woman who had been partly striped through the streets.
    These are not future Talmid Chacham, these are hooligans and deserve to be treated as such. They are creating a huge chillul Hashem, whether it’s wearing yellow stars or this action. Cut their benefits, throw them in jail or something. And don’t forget that outside of our “velt” people do not differentiate between mentschlicht Yidden and these scoundrels.

  13. ITS A TREMENDOUS CHILUL HASHEM. EVEN IF WE DON’T KNOW HOW IT STARTED AND ITS JUST A LITTLE KID – THAT’S NOT AN EXCUSE – however I would like to as readers – what is a bigger chillul hashem, what this kid who has no daas did or the fact that when there is a demonstration led by some of the greatest gedolei hador, all we get to hear about from a yeshiva news network is: that from the tens of thousands that were there, there was a little kid who kicked a woman. Next time we here antisemites accusing all the jews based on what one person did, we’ll know that we’re not much different. By the way there was an announcement in the name of R’ Shmuel Auerbach that everyone should be careful to leave the gathering quietly and there was a boy – clearly not from the peleg – who caused a chillul hashem but we have to hear about it ‘that after the hafganah of the ‘peleg’…’ if that is not antisemitism what is. please post I’m waiting for answers.

  14. Are these the same people who come to England USA etc, collecting money because they are too busy making a chilul Hashem instead of working for parnoso???

  15. Time to break some bones….these animals need to be stopped. Why are the police acting so passively in the face of this violence?

  16. Unbeleivable! exactly what we all always say about antisemite’s. They’ll look at tens of thousands of jews and report the 5 who don’t obey the rabbonim. How can you ever again have tay’nos on antisemites when a website called yeshiva is doing the exact same thing? A protest endorsed by many of the Gedolei Hador with the participation of many many thousands of bnei Torah where the speakers said many many times not to engage in any type of violent behavior whatsoever and a few kids (who obviously have nothing to do with the bnei Torah who follow Rav Aurbach for they were disobeying his repeated pleas from minutes before) are violent and you make that the story!!! Truely unbeleivable! all the comments reinforce the timeless words of chazal גדולה שנאת עמי הארץ את תלמידי חכמים!!! (Rav Aurbach said publicized many times over the last few months that violence is forbidden and only to protest the way every group (including all frum factions and definitely non-frum factions) protest when they feel their physical or spiritual welfare is at stake.) – See more at:

  17. They had their chance to speak up in the voting booth, and squandered this wonderful opportunity, so only got themselves to blame for being disgruntled with the Knesset.

  18. I hope the parents of these thugs who were cheering and applauding at the end of the clip are shepping nachas. I just have a gut feeling that some of them are Americans. No matter who they are, surely the Yeshivas know them. But they are probably heroes for attacking a defenseless woman.

    I hope you Yeshivish parents keep a copy in case one of these Tzaddikim is redt to your daughter. Violence against women is a quality you want in a chatan?

    Feivel – you are an oisvarf.

  19. Feivel –

    Yasher Koach for expressing the views of this from the perspective of a true Ben Torah Yid. Voicing the truth offends the liberal sensibilities of quasi-“religious” posters such as computerb (whose history of comments could easily be an artificial intelligence bot experiment at attempted human-mimicking), but your voice of the silent majority of Orthodox Jewry must be heard.

  20. What the clip missed before the few seconds of what is shown, is what this brutal woman did before the camera started rolling to deserve having the protesters protest her yelled insults and rude gestures against the Torah world.

  21. Looks like little kids….and also looks like the “woman” started coming after the little kid. Your headline is almost as slanted as CNN’s and The New York Times’. I guess this proves that Yeshiva World is “real journalism” after all.

  22. The source problem is the draft and the worship of the IDF. That’s where the violence begins. This kid has been affected by it as we all have.

  23. The only effective way to protest is to cast your vote in the election booth against a politician whose agenda you wish to discontinue.

  24. Chilul Hashem. Anyone who comments about the “Shomer Negia” has no sense. Kicking a person?! These kids are just looking for action,wrapped in a cloak of self-righteousness. They give the Haredi world a bad name. It is a Chilul Hahsem.

  25. dont worry about giving the chareidy world a bad name. Only people who ignore the actions of tens of thousands and instead judge them by the actions of a little kid will thing bad about them and those people probably think all jews are thieves anyway because look at Bernei Madoff
    no need to worry noone with a little brains thinks that way despite the instigation by anti religious news outlets

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