WATCH THIS: Protest Against Chillul Shabbos On Strauss And Nevi’im Streets 2 Weeks Ago

Is this how you make people keep Shabbos or not? Do you throw things at them and scream at them? Or do you invite them into your homes and show them the beauty of Shabbos? We let our readers debate that and make their own decisions and conclusions.

20 Responses

  1. Strauss and Neviim is closed to traffic. This demonstration was about the general situation of chillul shabbos being promoted in Yerushalayim, Ir HaKodesh. The only mechalel shabbos people here are the goons sent in to “keep the peace” (ie, provoke violence).

    There is no sense to the article’s questions about kiruv — this is not a demonstration to convince people to keep shabbos. It is against the government efforts to promote chillul shabbos by allowing stores to remain open and by scheduling events and activities on Saturdays. And it is held in a frum area.

  2. The issue is not strategic ie. What strategy will best convince secular people to want to keep Shabbos.

    Rather, the issue is that this is a culture of ugly, primitive, angry, and vapid souls, putting into question what kind of “Torah” they are supposedly learning.

    Any refined, intelligent person, whether secular or religious, would be repelled.

  3. To ywcomment2:
    You say that the police — forced to be mechaleil Shabbos in order to police this demonstration — are the “goons”?

    You’ve seen this video and you still say that?

    You’re joking, right?

    Please tell me you’re joking.

  4. No one ever observed the Shabbos because some one cursed him or threw a rock at him; how ever cursing and throwing rocks did help to create more anti-religious hatred.

  5. The Chinuch for דרך ארץ and כבוד האדם doesn’t exist.

    I remember as a 9 year old kid in Yerushalayim I joined the fun, as a woman walked by our neighborhood in Bayit Vegan in a sleeveless dress. My friend and I yelled out: “Shiktze, doesn’t the state suply enough textile?” and I was seen by the menahel of our Cheider, R’ Dovid Fine, who rebuked me deeply. I was shocked that he considered what we did to be a terrible thing, but that was the last time it would enter my mind to do such a thing.

    The example is simplynot given by leaders, so מה יעשה הבן ולא יחטא?

  6. who made this video a jew or non jew (if its a jew there r shaailos on maaseh shabbos)
    We let our readers debate that and make their own decisions and conclusions. – I dont mix in to a generations long machlokes between gedoliai yisrael.

  7. I couldn’t bear to watch this whole video and put it off half way. It’s too embarrassing for words. How do people stoop so low as to behave like a bunch of idiots. If you’re protesting a government or municipal law go to the apropriate address and put forward your complaint in a polite and civilised manner. Or send in a petition. But to behave in such a disgusting way only repels the secular Jews, and any warmth they might have felt for yidishkeit will certainly have dissipated! This is a total chillul Hashem!!!

  8. It’s a real shame that the world at large views these fringe radical members of our religion as representative of all of us who are Torah observant Chareidim.

  9. Can you imagine how offensive it would be for someone to walk into a synagogue and wave a nasi flag? That’s exactly what these Mechalie Shabbos are doing by coming and taking picture in Mean Sherman on the Holy Shabbos to Ritz on the Hielega Yidden. they deserve a lot more then an Emtry bottle of Petal thrown at them, they deserve to be Ungeshmiert with the leftover herring at the Shabbos morning Kiddush

  10. It is a known fact and without question that more yidden have been brought closer to yiddeshkeit in general, and have become shomer Shabbos in particular, after having had dirty diapers and garbage thrown at them by Chareidim and having been called Nazis or having some hooligan walking after them in the street yelling SHABBOS!!!!

  11. There are few intelligent insights her on YWN from commentators. While the protestors have right to protest chillul Shabbas, there seems to be a segment of the Jewish population( Gadolhadorah, yagellibi, berlin rabbi, zion flag), who get a rise out of egging on their fellow Jews.

    It seems like the commentators think they are dealing with Zoo animals.

    There yidden are sensitive to trampling of kedusha, and in a different protest than peleg yerushami.

  12. I dont care about them, but if they get in my face ill drag them by their payos to their rebbe and have him explain how he allows his talmidim to behave this way

  13. Some of those kids have pretty good aim. Nailed the instigator photographer, direct hits. They might want to try out for their local baseball team. They may turn out to be good pitchers.

  14. How do all these heilege shteigers have time to be out on the streets day after day protesting the draft, Shabbos, kevorim, advertising on Eged buses etc. When do they fit in their learning amidst all these hafganot? These are not legitimate “protests” or “civil disobedience” as most of us understand those terms. These are anarchists in yeshivish lvush seeking to destroy property and disrupt the lives of poishete yidden.

  15. I have 3 questions
    1)does this protests have any good outcome?
    2) where in the Torah or Gemora speaks about any protest in the Jewish History ?
    3) is this a Kidush Hashem?

  16. They’re not protesting chillul Shabbos across town. They’re protesting chillul Shabbos in their entirely chareidi neighborhood.
    These women were dressed how they were dressed and we’re taking videos on Shabbos in Meah Shearim
    And they’re surprised that the residents are offended.

    Usually I think the protests are despicable. This time I think the despicable ones were the ones who instigated the protests by driving specifically in chareidi neighborhoods and the ones who chose to photograph the scene. Whoever was driving was definitely not heading to anywhere in the neighborhood so they would have found an alternate route if they cared about keeping the peace

  17. In my life time I never attended a hafganah where Gedolim themselves were not there. Hafganot by us meant that someone was leading us in Tehillim followed by several Gedolim speaking. Then we went home.

    In my opinion, any hafgana that is not attended by gedolim is not worth going to. If a Gadol does not feel its important enough for him to be there then why should I? I have better things to do with my time.

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