WATCH: The First Arrest Has Been Made At Tonight’s ‘Peleg Yerushalmi’ Protests In Bnei Brak

8 Responses

  1. Mazel tov and kein yirbu…..these same hooligans show up over and over again because the judicial system just lets them out of jail after a few hours with no consequences. Maybe a FEW DAYS in jail with no seforim, no minyanim, no TV, no internet and some really bad week-old chulent 3 times a day would provide some deterrent.

  2. #2 ready now – It is NOT the government, but the method that the Peleg group use.

    Until now, NONE of the gedolim, neither Litvaks, Chasidic, or S’fardim put their boys out on a day to day basis to protest in a violent manner as Peleg does and for NO reason.

    All a bachur has to do is bring a form to the Misrad HaGiyus and he gets an automatic exemption.

    Peleg is a violent approach to problem solving that Rav Steineman and Rav Kenyevski do NOT feel is correct and is counter productive.

  3. I was waiting for Gadol’s comment on this. Doesn’t sound so different from the hilltop youth escapades reported on YWN on March 17 (excuse me, 19 Adar). I was wondering if the esteemed gadol hador would deign to clarify to us common folk why the actions of one group are vehemently condemned, while allowing the actions of the other to slip by unnoticed. It seems that calling law-enforcement “zionazis” and scribbling swastikas is only forbidden to Chareidi protesters; all others (Arabs too?) are free to partake liberally of the great freedom of expression that the state of Israel allows …. (With the gadol hador’s seal of approval!)

  4. #4 While I have never personally seen of of this, the very strong impression I have from the news is that in Jerusalem the relatively peaceful inhabitants who are trying to live their lives have their daily living made miserable, and in some cases even to point of endangering lives (example: blocking ambulances).

    The so-called hilltop youths are just as the name implies, out there in no-were land not bothering or interacting with anyone outside of their own group, yet for reasons (and methods) that are highly questionable the government are breaking up their lives which would be peaceful if not for the government interference.

  5. Violent demonstrations by EITHER group have been and should be condemned and put down with a firm hand. EY has sufficient problems with REAL enemies and the scarce security forces should not be diverted to controlling extremists, whether chareidi or secular, who choose to defy the authorities and engage in violent demonstrations. I hardly restrict my criticism to one side or the other but universally condemn such violent behavior and the mindless askanim, politicians and rabbonim who encourage their followers to engage in violence.

  6. Seems that what we are seeing is an abuse of the system. Similar to yhe yeshivas here during vietnam thousands registered that never came in

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