VIDEO & PHOTOS: Greenfield & 60 Rabbonim, Askanim & Frum Community Leaders Endorse Lew Fidler for State Senate


Brooklyn, NY – Surrounded by dozens of rabbonim, askanim and frum community leaders, Councilman David G. Greenfield endorsed Lew Fidler yesterday for the vacant State Senate seat scheduled for a Special Election next Tuesday, March 20th. At an event in Midwood in front of Khal Yeshuos Chaim, Greenfield praised Councilman Fidler’s commitment to the Orthodox Jewish community during his many years of public service, especially his efforts to secure government funding for after-school programs for yeshiva students. Greenfield specifically cited Fidler’s leadership in restoring $25 million for Priority 5 vouchers benefitting thousands of yeshiva students this year. Also, Greenfield endorsed Fidler’s 5 point plan for yeshiva parents as the “best plan that can immediately lower the cost of yeshiva tuition.”

“Of course, Lew Fidler deserves our community’s hakaros hatov for a lifetime of fighting for the frum community,” said Greenfield. “However, we are here today not only because of what Lew Fidler has done for us but for what we know Lew Fidler will continue to do for us in the Senate – especially his commitment to fight for yeshiva parents.”

Greenfield went on to detail the 20-year history of Lew Fidler fighting for the frum communtity. Fidler started his work as a volunteer lawyer at the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council before the 1991 riots. Greenfield noted that Fidler fought to ensure that the criminals responsible for the riots were brought to justice. Greenfield also detailed the more than $15 million that Fidler has allocated for nearly 100 community organizations including Hatzolah, Shomrim, Chaverim, Jewish community centers across Brooklyn, shuls and yeshivas.

Finally, Greenfield spoke of Lew’s record of standing up to anti-Semitism, including a remarkable story of Fidler calling out his fellow Councilman Charles Barron on the floor of the New York City Council for anti-Semitic remarks. Greenfield concluded that Fidler has a “chezkas kashrus” when it comes to being there for the frum community and can be trusted to keep his promises to fight for the community’s needs in Albany.

Greenfield wasn’t the only one to speak at his press conference. Dozens of community leaders from every segment of the frum community including, Mir, Bobov, Satmar and Agudas Yisroel came out in support of Lew Fidler. Many of those in attendance spoke of how Fidler went out of his way to help the frum community.

The many speakers who praised Councilman Lew Fidler and enthusiastically endorsed him included R’ Mendel Schechter of Yeshivas Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin, Rabbi Yoseph Vigler of Khal Mayan Yisroel, Rabbi Yechezkel Pikus of COJO of Flatbush, Chaim Deutsch of Flatbush Shomrim, Rabbi Yaakov Klass of Khal Bne Matisyahu, Professor Moshe Tzvi Reicher of Bobov, Rabbi Zvi Ralbag of Young Israel of Avenue K, R’ Leon Goldenberg of Agudas Yisroel of America and Rabbi Dov Oustatcher of Torah Umesorah (all organizations are listed for identification purposes only). Each spoke passionately at the hour-long even event about the amazing work that Lew Fider has done for their respective mosdos and the greater frum community.

“I’m proud to stand here today, surrounded by representatives from every corner of the community, to say that Lew Fidler is the the best person to represent us in this Senate district,” said Greenfield. “Ultimately, this election comes down to trust, and I trust Lew Fidler to continue doing what he has done for years – fight for us! That’s why I urge you to take a few minutes next Tuesday to elect this mentch to the State Senate.”

Click HERE for photos.

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20 Responses

  1. This is so confusing-just this week i saw in the hamodia a large ad stating why it would be a tremendous chilul hashem to vote for him. one of the reasons was his view on same-gender marriages… i guess i will just decide on my own without anyone tellin’ me who to vote for!

  2. Sadly this seems to be a one issue race and the State Senate will not be acting on the issue. Unfortunatly the Republican controlled Senate backed the same gender “marriage” bill and it’s law. Too late for either Starobin ir Fidler to do anything about it.

    Lets hear about serious issues for the next week. This race is for a State Senate seat, not chief rabbi of the district.

  3. Isn’t David G. Greenfield a card-carrying DEMOCRAT. His endorsing his fellow Democrat is really not newsworthy. It would be newsworthy if he, and his partisan friends, were to do something out or the ordinary (favor marriage, oppose abortion, support a Republican, etc.)

  4. Interesting, no pictures of Rabbonim, except one from a Lubavitch shul in Flatbush, maybe also from the shul they’re standing in front of. Also, where ar ethe “dozens, dozens of leaders”? Are the kids the current leaders?
    I’m not saying that Lew isn’t the guy. Let’s look at the facts and STICK to the facts, and tehn we can decide. I have seen dozens of names endorsing David Strobin, including lay leaders of Torah Umesorah and many of our Yeshivahs. Let’s stick to facts, and then we can decide.
    Also, if David Greenfield would keep his speeches shorter, it would help.
    That being said, if Lew Fidlers plan passes then it will help Yeshiva parents.

  5. YWN, can you please supply us with the name of the leader who is from the Mir? 3 out of 4 Roshei Yeshiva of the Mir paskined that giving public recognition or voting for Councilman Fidler is a chillul Hashem due his support for toeiva marriage. Thanks.

  6. Today I saw a magazine cover saying that it was a mitzvah to vote for one of these candidates. Is that #614? It’s good to know that Hashem pays attention to everything even this race for a State Senate seat.

    Is some rabonim say to vote for a man and others saw it’s a mitzvah to vote against him, what’s a Yid to do? I can’t vote twice as I do with tefillin wearing two pairs.

  7. Bittle, I guess you have to ask your local Orthodox rabbi.

    I disagree with Greenfield, but I have a lot of respect for him on his mostly solid stances. He is a Democrat, and more than being a partisan, his standing for his party gives him points in this close election. One can’t knock for him for that especially since I imagine he has not been so impressed Storobin.

    There are two major shitas in Orthodox politics: One is the more old fashioned opinion that ignores social issues usually and focuses on the candidate’s support for funding for frum causes. The second, a new and I personally feel a growing majority of the frum community as seen by Bob Turner’s race, is a “stam” conservative Republican voter, who feels affinity for a conservative social platform and a more conservative economic one as well. Greenfield, as a Democrat and based on his views, is of the former view. He has done a lot of great things and advocated for the Frum community. Nonetheless, this decision (we shall see the results) could backfire because as I mentioned the community (in this senate district and others) is growing wary of trying to curry favor with liberal lawmakers who are facing increasing pressures to cut budgets where the little extras for individual constituencies are being cut (ie the Kosher supervision dept etc.) and are pressing a much more progressive social platform than was even imagined 25 (or even 10 years) ago.

    This race is a microcosm of where the Frum community stands, just like with the Turner race. Weprin was about as friendly as a Democrat can be to the frum community, but differed on social and economic policies (the Israel factor was important though Weprin is pro-Israel). Same here, Fidler has tried to show he wants to be friend and Storobin has been a stam Republican. The race will be another view of where the Frum community stands as neither candidate as that “magic touch” that is going to make a difference. Two stances, one choice. Will be interesting.


  8. The tovea bill was passed WITHOUT Councilman Lew Fidler. That’s because the City Council has no power in passing legislation in the State Legislature. All this nonsense that its asser to vote for Fidler is absurd and a strong arm tactic to help the Majority leader Dean Skelos. The fact is Dean Skelos allowed for the tovea bill to pass. Why are the Rabbonim not coming out against the candidate of Dean Skelos? How much money from the storobin supporters go towards helping elected official whom supported the tovea bill? People of our Community should not be fooled!! For those of you who don’t know the inside of politics will see the Storobin candidate as black and white. If you search for the color photo you will see the truth.

    On March 20th Councilman Lew Fidler has my vote.

  9. I’m with Greenfield. The number # 1 issue that the frum community faces is tuition NOT gay marriage. If you agree with Greenfield vote for Fidler. If you think “toeiva” is the number # 1 issue vote for the other guy.

  10. I will vote for the candidate who goes to shul and puts on tefillin tomorrow morning. I will know who “shares my values” then.

  11. “The tovea bill was passed WITHOUT Councilman Lew Fidler.”
    -no. 9

    The Toeva Bill that ultimately passed the State Senate was merely the culmination of years and years of Toeva legislation upon Toeva legislation, originating in the New York City Council in the time of Mayor Ed Koch.

    Rav Moshe Feinstein, ZT”L, warned, in the 1970’s, that this bill had to be defeated in the City Council, to strangle this Toeva legislation at its inception.

    Unfortunately, none of the Jewish institutions took his warning seriously, and only rav Avigdor Miller’s people showed up to protest the legislation, which passed the City Council.

    Since then, the NY City Council passed more and more Toev-friendly laws, further legitimizing what had once been illegal in public. Ultimately, they even funded a special public school for these Chevra.

    Lew Fidler was fully in support of this process as a loyal Democrat City Councilman, even supporting Toeva “education” for young NY city public school children.

    From Fidler and his friends, it was only a small step to the final blow of “marriage redinition” to a group that had already been fully legitimized and given “minority” preferntial status by New York City’s politicians.

    As the saying goes: “He who plays the fiddle, calls the tune!”

  12. DanielQ,
    I think you are wrong. Greenfield is a conservative democrat. He has forged a new way in politics: you can be conservative on social issue (Greenfield was the only council member to vote against gay marriage) and be moderate on funding issues (Greenfield is against tax hikes but fights for the community’s fair share).

    From observing Greenfield I believe that this endorsement is about something else: Hakaros Hatov. If we as a community don’t support elected officials who have supported us we wont be able to get anything done.

    Greenfield is right. We are in Galus. We are a minority. We need friends. We need Hakaros Hatov for those friends.

  13. Thank you, Yossi K. This whole debate is silly. The marriage bill was passed by the Republican controlled State Senate. Had Storobin been a member of that Senate, how would he have voted? Still, it is a non-issue in this campaign. The real question is, who will best serve our community in the State Senate? Lew Fidler has always been a strong ally of the frum community and will continue to be one. He knows our district, our issues, our concerns. He knows how government works. He has a plan. Storobin, not so much.

    After all this debate, how many frum voters will even vote?

  14. “…We need Hakaros Hatov for those friends…”–no 13

    So, how far does this “Hakaros Hatov’ go?

    Would you bow down to his idol? Would you eat his treifa food at a restaurant dinner?

    No. You would tell him, with all due respect and Hakaros hatov, that your Torah forbids this.

    So, that’s what you’re required to do here, hakaros hatov, notwithstanding.

  15. apushatayid – If you’re going to vote for the candidate that goes to shul tomorrow morning and puts on tefillin, that means you’re not voting in this election.

    If you want to vote for the candidate who’s campaign manager goes to shul and puts on tefillin, then you’re voting for Fidler. Surprising – isn’t it?

  16. deepthinker,

    I’m surprised. usually you are more thoughtful. nobody is bowing down to anyone. the bottom line is that many in the frum community have hakaros hatov for most of the things that fidler has done for us. ok, we disagree with him on one issue. however, as others have pointed out – that issues is irrelevant because it was ALREADY PASSED INTO LAW.

    We need to focus on the future. not that past.

  17. Bill of Heans,
    I apologize for being unclear. Of course Greenfield himself is conservative socially, I was just saying he doesn’t make it a central issue of his political thought like many frum Jews. If a bill comes up, he votes against it, but he in my opinion does not view Gay Marriage etc. as an issue when choosing who to endorse. He does choose as you say with who is a “friend”, who gives the money. I disagree with that opinion as being of the latter of the groups I mentioned. I totally understand where he is coming from and many rabbanim (Rebbes, askanim etc.) agree. To me, though we are in galus, I don’t think that paturs us from trying to slow down the moral decay in America, for one it effects us too. And money, as we are seeing already as budgets are being cut more and more, is easy come easy go…not to mention are values should not be for sale.


  18. Maybe its time for jewish voters to focus on a broader range of political issues and not become single issue voters like Catholics who judge a candidate exclusively on his/her position on abortion. There are so many more important issues facing voters than Toevah marriage, contraception funding etc. Lets debate their positions on creating new jobs, reducing taxes, eliminating subsidies to all sorts of special interest groups and reducing noise, traffic and pollution in our neighborhoods. This fixation on social issues has become a meshugaas. Leave that debate to the Santorums and Limbaughs and lets focus on whats really important.

  19. I fail to see the benefit of the obsession with same gender marriage. Married or not, gays have been doing things for years that are distasteful to the frum community. As the overwhelming majority of the community has little or no contact with these people, gays have little impact on the frum community. To base one’s vote on that sole issue strikes me as a wasted vote. Aren’t there issues that are more relevant to us?

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