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VIDEO ESSAY: How Hamantasch​en Are Made


As purim approaches, it is nearly impossible to live in a Jewish community and not buy or bake hamantashen for mishloach manos, maybe even sneaking a taste or two (or more) in before the holiday. This year the folks over at Kuvien Images joined the jolly baking crew over at their favorite bakery in Modi’in Illit, Guy and Avi at the Yesh supermarket, as they bake batch after batch of hamantaschen to keep up with the demands of the residents of Kiryat Sefer and its environs. For those who do not have access to a kosher bakery or would rather bake at home, they then documented a Yerushalayim resident baking hamentaschen at home.

Credits: Kuvien Images –

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(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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