VIDEO: How to Respond to a Report of Abuse: New Educational Video Released by CAPs at Bikur Cholim


“Our children’s safety is a perennial concern,” says Yitzchak Schechter, PsyD, Director of the Center for Applied Psychology (CAPs) at Bikur Cholim in Monsey, NY, explaining his organization’s recent release of a new educational video discussing how to respond if a child discloses abuse. The 17-minute video, recorded and presented November and December 2011 at Kollel Beth HaTalmud (“Lakewood Kollel”) in Melbourne Australia, answers the questions:

· In the event a parent becomes aware that their child was victimized, what should the parent do?
· When a communal rabbi or teacher is aware of abuse or is informed by the victim(s) themselves, what should they do?
· Being that our Gedolim have ruled that there is no prohibition of mesirah in this area, what are the advantages of going to authorities in matters of abuse?
· How can parents, schools, and the community help a victim overcome their trauma?

“Unfortunately,” says Dr. Schechter, “the specter of abuse exists in the Jewish community as it does in all communities. The test for our community is not whether abuse happens – but how we respond to it. We must meet the challenge with neither hysteria nor denial, but with appropriate resolve and reasoned action. Thankfully, awareness is increasing and progress is being made towards addressing issues of our children’s safety. I hope this video serves as a valuable tool in the community arsenal of prevention and protection.”

The video is an excellent vehicle for educating a wide-range of audiences who care about this issue. Suggested audiences and applications for the video include:

· Parents
· School administrators, faculty, and staff
· Rabbonim
· Mental health professionals
· Child safety advocates

Viewers of the video are urged to share it with their family, friends, and neighbors so they too can be informed as to how to respond appropriately and effectively should the need arise.

CAPs thanks Rabbi Yisroel Greenwald of Melbourne, Australia for producing the video and for his continuing efforts to promote child safety within the Jewish community. CAPs also acknowledges Mendel Greenwald for his careful post-production work.

CAPs thanks Rabbi Yisroel Greenwald of Melbourne, Australia for producing the video and for his continuing efforts to promote child safety within the Jewish community. CAPs also acknowledges Mendel Greenwald for his careful post-production work.

The Center for Applied Psychology (CAPs) at Bikur Cholim is a highly-regarded licensed behavioral health center serving Rockland County’s Jewish community with professionalism and sensitivity. Services also include school-based counseling, community education, outreach, and support programming. For more information about CAPs please email [email protected], call 845-425-5252 x329.

Click HERE to watch this video from a mobile device.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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