VIDEO: Arabs Ransack and Set Outpost Home Ablaze


On Tuesday afternoon, Arabs from Kafr Ras Karkar snuck into Givat Egoz located in the Binyamin Regional Council area of Shomron, in the Dolev area. They set a cinderblock home ablaze as well as ransacking the home. The home belongs to the Goldmintz family, the only family living at the location. “The Arabs took a sofa and placed it alongside the house and set it ablaze at a time no one was there, during the afternoon” Kol HaYehudi reports quoting Rav Meir Goldmintz.

The home, constructed with a combination of wood and cinderblock sustained considerable damage. The security officer of the nearby community of Neria detected the smoke bellowing from the area, summoning firefighters.

Givat Egoz was established in Elul 5768 after the IDF destroyed the Goldmintz family’s home in Yad Yair. This compelled them to build their new home in Givat Egoz. While the rav and his family is the only family in the community, there are a few singles who live there.

Click HERE to watch this video from a mobile device.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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