VIDEO: Growing Concerns Of Jewish Women With Arab Men

There is growing concern over the escalation in the number of reports of Jewish women who are connecting with Arab men R”L, Kol HaYehudi reports. The Lahava organization is working to extricate females who become entangled with Arab men, a growing and alarming trend, which according to organization officials involved “hundreds of Jewish women annually”.

According to this latest report, in the past two week, Lahava received calls for assistance involving 23 Jewish women. The organization operates nationwide, involving rabbonim including Rav Shmuel Eliyahu and right-wing activists such as Hebron’s Baruch Marzel. They report that the trend is not confined to any one sector, crossing the hashkafa divide, explaining often the introduction is not intentional, but the women are working aside Arab males in the workplace.

This was the subject of a recent report by YWN-ISRAEL regarding these concerns and young women serving in Sheirut Leumi.

Following is a video of a report on Lahava presented a year ago by Channel 10 News, ironically in a less than favorable light, explaining the organization “stands behind efforts towards a dual existence between Arabs and Jews”.

Click HERE to watch this video from a mobile device.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. This is a real problem.
    Yeshiva of Flatbush had a chesed trip to Israel under the auspices of their menahel, Rabbi Besser and one of the visits was to a Residential Home in Kiryat Yovel. There are over 30 religious girls who WERE MARRIED TO ARABS living there and now are back home, under rehabilitation, attending educational classes, children cared for and getting chizuk & psychological help.

    The stories were horrific, a girl 16 from Kiryat Sefer, was married to an Arab at 13 and is a mother of 2. A girl who attended Bais Yakov Hayashan, was living in an Arab village for 2 years. This is a growing problem that needs to be publicized, funded and helped. Do not sweep it under the carpet. Kahane z”l spoke many wise words. Baruch Marzel works 24/7 assisting these girls and their families.

  2. This is ridiculous. If women of their own free will marry Arab men, it is too late to “rescue” them. They should have received a proper Jewish education a long time ago. Imagine if an organization were set up to “rescue” Jewish women in New York City who are dating / marrying non-Jews. What a Chillul Hashem

  3. I would suggest taking this with a “grain of salt”. Hiloni Israelis are even more “turned off” by Islam than they are by traditional (i.e. Hareidi) culture – especially the women. Furthermore, in the past, “intermarriage” was always motivated by a desire for social and economic advancement, whereas in Israel, the Arabs are worse off than even the Hareidim – especially the women. In addition, any Jewish woman being “held against her will” in an Arab village need only walk to an Israeli soldier or policeman – slap him and when arrested and interrogated explain her situation and return to her family. I’m not saying these people are making this up, but it doesn’t sound realistic. The only exception would be secular Jews running off with secular Arabs (i.e. those who are running from their culture, and desiring to be part of secular Israel), which is really a different issue.

  4. To the editor:
    The report is negative not because it says that “stands behind efforts towards a dual existence between Arabs and Jews”, rather they say @1:18 “we went out to check who fights our co-existance”.

    Sadly the reporter does not seem to understand what almost everyone else he shows understands, that jewish girls with arab boys is unacceptable.

  5. Jusrangers and apukerma say dangeous things out of ignorance and a lack of compassion. Because of a lack of busha and rachmanus, they wish us to eliminate our gemilus chasadim. In this case, golei chasadim are matziley nefashos, so their opinions also make them rodfim. Don’t believe me? Ask Rashi why aveira befarhesya is chilul hashem.

  6. @akuperma:

    As much as your reactions are often an interesting read when they pertain to America, American politics etc. they are too often utterly disgusting when it comes to your own people.

    There is a real problem here, how many stories will it take before you start taking this seriously? Isn’t even 1 girl a year too much? Let alone the fact that they save more then 100 girls a year (go figure ow many girls stay behind)? Did you know that there are Sheih’s that have put a reward on netting Jewish girls?

    A similar problem exists in the Netherlands where they call the perps “loverboys” and they have the girls do things that we shall not mention on this website.

    These girls after they have been entrapped aren’t allowed out of the house and if they were they can’t “just walk up to a policeman and slap him” they’re more likely to be shot to death before reaching the cop just due to the fact that they will be walking in a nervous (read suspicous) way. (Other than the fact that they generally won’t get to leave the house without being escorted by a family member)

  7. Contact me akuperma and I will set up a visit to the home in Kiryat Yovel, met the young ladies, listen to their stories, see the bruises and then make an intelligent response.

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