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VIDEO & PHOTOS: MK Gafne Honored by Shuvu Dinner


Hundreds of people attended the annual Shuvu Israel Dinner at the Ramada Hotel in Jerusalem. The guest of honor was MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni, Chairman of the Finance Committee in the Knesset whom Shuvu Director Rav Chaim Michoel Gutterman praised for his great assistance throughout for Shuvu’s behalf, as well as the heads of the Chinuch Atzmai Rav Avrohom Yosef Leizerzon and Rav Tzvi Boimel for their staunch support. 

Among the guests at the dinner included Harav Yehuda Silman and Harav Moshe Silberberg from the Hanholla Ruchanit of Shuvu, Chief Rabbi of Rechovot Harav Simcha Hacohen Kook , Rosh Yeshivas “Ashrei Ha’ish” Harav Yosef Ben Porat, the heads of Agudas Yisroel in America, Rav Tzvi Boimel and other members of the Chinuch Atzmai, Shuvu co-Chairman R’ Yossi Hoch, Shuvu board members Rav Gedaliah Weinberger, R’ Moshe Fuchs, R’ Bernard Englard, R’ Getzel Segal, R’ Mendy Shayovich, and R’ Shlome Chaimovits, mayor of Bnei Brak R’ Yaakov Asher, former mayor of Jerusalem R’ Uri Lopolianski, and the Shuvu principals and graduate representatives.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

Credits: Kuvien Images –

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(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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