VIDEO ROUNDUP: Israeli Police Beat Charedim As Protesters Shout ‘Nazi’ & ‘Hitler’


The following are a collection of videos take at some of the stormy protests on Sunday afternoon and evening, following the arrest of the “Eidah 6”.

One of those arrested is R’ Amram Shapira, who serves as the personal gabbai of Eida Charedis Gavad, HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Tuvia Weiss Shlita. The others are all persons affiliated with the Vaad Artzi tzedaka.

Click HERE to watch video #1 on a mobile device.

Click HERE to watch video #2 on a mobile device.

Click HERE to watch video #3 on a mobile device.

Click HERE to watch video #4 on a mobile device.

Click HERE to watch video #5 on a mobile device.

Click HERE to watch video #6 on a mobile device.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

25 Responses

  1. What on earth is going on here??!!
    This is totally not normal, shocking and frightening.
    I do know of the unrest in Israel but this is totally unlike anything I have ever seen. I am traumatized!
    Hashem Yiracheim and Hashem should stop this absolute madness. When with all this crazy, totally abnormal and insane things stop happening??

  2. I dont feel bad for any of these ppl- THEY asked for it. The police did not just knock on someones door and beat them up. the chillul hashem is tremendous, and its having consequences

  3. SHOCKING!!!!!! The police are worse then NAZIS R”L there is no freedom, cant protest or ur brutally beaten like in iran

    Modertors Response: Freedom?! Have you ever tied lying down in middle of a Manhattan Street blocking a bus? Try it. And then when the police tell you to move, and you refuse, see what happens. And then call your friensd and have them trow things at the police when they try dragging you.

    Video tape it. It would be great footage for YWN!

    Of course you will scream “police brutality” after you are beaten black and blue for resisting arrest….

  4. Am I missing something? Because I don’t see Israeli police beating Chareidim. I do see them dragging/carrying away some of the protestors, but not beating. If someone does see beating, please let me know which of these videos show it.

    an Israeli Yid

  5. In NYC we all know that if you fight the police you life is pretty much over with; in Israel the “charedim” (tipshim) who believe that “tov torah im derech eretz” and Yageya Kapecha ki tochal” amongst dozens of other admonishments by our holy forebearers to work for a living dosent apply to them; believe they can simultaneously live lechatechila min ha’klal and instead of learn spend their days and nights throwing rocks, burning garbage and attacking police. They believe that they are above the law; they are causing a huge chilul hashem as goyim all over the world can see their actions (dressing like holocaust victims(as if most of the victims of the holocaust were chasidim or even religous(they were not). The only way we frum Jews, those of us who are chared with embarresment can hope to avoid punishment is to disavow and dare I say put in absolute cheirem this erev rav!

  6. All I see here is people being arrested. These videos are clearly cut and do not show the entire story. Everyone has a right to protest, but the police don’t just go arresting people willy nilly.

  7. I don’t see anyone being beaten; I actually see police acting pretty professionally considering the likely slurs and and disgusting things that are being said and thrown at them. One cop was even nice enough to carry the hat of the guy he was dragging away – he could have left it or even stomped on it out of spite – but he didn’t. Is this the worst you can show of the Israeli police traumatizing people?

  8. Like #1 I can’t understand what is going on here. Six people were arrested and suddenly everyone seems to be taking the law into their own hands. What did the passengers on the 417 do to warrent such treatment? Why is it that we are not seeing any of our Rabbonim and Gedolim calling for calm and restraint? Is therefore a case of “Shtika Kehodoah”? Also, can someone explain to me why there should be so many people on the streets? If they are in Kollel, they should be in Kollel, if they are Yeshivah Bochurim, they should be in the Yeshivah, if they are workers, they would be at work. Alo Mei, they are with Yeshivas and Kollelim, but, leider, they have no sitzfleisch and cannot learn and therefore any “exitment” brings them onto the streets. If that is the case, let them go to teh army or secutity services and make themselves useful. Finally, if there were arrests of sis people from the “Eida”, let us see the evidence. No one is immune from prosecution if the evidence is there. Or is it being siad that the evidence has been concocted and is false?

  9. I think an effective way of us actual frum people protesting what these ‘chareidim’ are doing is boycotting the Eida Chareidis. They some how convinced the whole frum world that they have the best hechser in Eretz Yisroel and everything else is treif. How can we possibly trust these people with our kashrus? They are people of opposite beliefs and morals. They don’e even have any morals. They are such animals that for some reason everyone is scared of them, even the rabbanim of whom NOT ONE Rav has come out to condemn what they are doing!

  10. The article headline is misleading. I didn’t see anyone beaten, I saw people getting arrested and it seems like the police showed a lot of restraint. They acted very professionally.

  11. Sorry, but I looked at all these videos and do not see ANY beatings.
    Dragging away, yes.
    Beatings, no.

    Yesterday in Ramat Beit Shemesh these lunatics poured oil on the roads!!! This could have killed Jews!!!
    My son who lives there could not pick up his son from Yeshiva because of the hazardous road conditions!!! These people need psychiatric help!

  12. what a chilul hashem but the reality is that these guys are out of control they dont answer to any rabbis, and why arent they learning, can one understand why average Israeli chilonim dont like Chareidim? The NYPD would be much much more savage you try to spit at Tony and lets see what Mario and Luigi would do in there Blue wall of silence?

  13. My husband b’H happened to come home early from yeshiva yesterday.. who knows what could have happened.. this is anti-zionism gone way wrong.. the police were doing their job.. these people are absolutely nuts.

  14. You call this normal behavior, you try living in Israel and see how the police tresat you just BECAUSE you are Chareidi??? They look and act like NAZIS!!

  15. Unfortunately a lot of beatings and police brutality is been seen a lot of times, the police uses restraint for first half hour, then they go nuts like when u open a box of chickens, they use batomns, pepper spray, tear gas, and their fists. I’ve seen it too many times, and of course, the media won’t show those pictures, why should they?.

  16. Regarding the reason of the protest, the residents feel and know very well the reason of those arrests, it has one and only purpose, to bring down the image of the Edah, and it turned out that the protestors were right:
    “Justice Dov Pollack had harsh words for police during the remand hearing, stating that there was not an iota of evidence against Shapira, not connecting him to tax evasion, fraud, money laundering, or disturbing the peace charges, questioning just why he was taken into custody, the daily Yisrael HaYom reports.”
    Credit YWN

  17. #14 ‘mamin’…

    Yes, sadly I have seen times when the police act like animals, and when that happens I am the first to criticize them.

    BUT here it is these pseudo-‘Chareidim’, these fake ‘ultra-orthodox’ machalalei HaSh-m who are the ones acting like animals with their rock throwing, cursing, spitting, endangering Jewish lives by pouring oil on a road, breaking windows on a bus, etc., etc. – How dare THEY curse the police when it is THEY that are creating a chilul HaSh-m for the whole world to see!!!

  18. #14 this has nothing to do with being charedi if anyone would lie down in front of buses and shout nazis and hitler they would have been arrested regardless if they are charedi

  19. #1 WHEN ? simple when the NK nickes stop behaving like behaimos then everything stops——– its pashute .They are driven by the Sitra acher not Torah and Shucha Aruch B’haimos bizyonai Hatorah.Anyone who has tachmones on them is not a Torah yid but a very FRUM well meaning AM Haaretz

  20. #18 yes he is. My friend lived in B.Braq for 45 yrs and head of G.Chasadim and Ch.Kadisha appointed by Rav Kehanemann and he told us 35 yrs ago The Eideh Charadus are GANGSTERS !!!!!! he lived on Rechov Chazon Ish. RESHAYIM GEMURIM like the baryanim who brought the Churban of Bayis Shaini—– RISHE YISROEL who dont care about Kovod Shamayim. H yerachaim Alainu

  21. Yahud: Yes I am! Why are you getting all defensive? You either don’t know anything about them or you are one of them. They are a group of ‘terrorists’. If you don’t eat from their hechsher only, they will excommunicate you. If you dont dress the way they like, they will stone you. If you don’t wear the same yarmulka as them, they will treat you as a non-jew. I don’t either know anything about them, but they are always in the news making a CHILLUL HASHEM. I don’t care if they are sticking up for what they believe in, right or wrong, they are doing it in the wrong way. Not in the way of a G-d fearing jew. I once had a tour guide in Eretz Yisroel, a frum guy, who would not eat from the Eida Chareidus. His logic was very sensible. They dont believe in anything I do; according to them I am a GOY! I should trust their standards and beliefs!?

  22. #19 Maybe they are reacting to what has been done to them all the years?? I am not there to see what actually is going on BUT we all know the Israeli Police and what they stand for!

  23. Yes, as I said I am well aware of many terrible acts by the police, BUT…
    A frum Yid should act like a frum Yid, NOT like a frei cop!
    We all get angry and/or upset at times by what others do. I know that I personally, though not always successfully, do TRY, when in those kind of situations, to ask myself what would a gadol do if HE was in this spot? What would R’ Moshe z’l, or R’ Shlomo Zalman z’l do in this situation?

    There is NO doubt that they would NOT be spitting at or throwing things at police. They would NEVER be spitting at, or spraying with bleach, girls immodestly dressed, they would NOT be setting garbage dumpsters on fire.
    This is what kept Yosef HaTzadik from sinning, seeing before him the image of his father, of his role model. This is what we should all try to do.
    WHO is the role model of these thugs that enables them to commit chilul HaSh-m over and over again in front of the world media?!?
    Something is very wrong with these people.

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