VIDEO: Dr. Shanik Speaks About The Whooping Cough Outbreak In Lakewood


YWN published a TLS report on Tuesday about two Lakewood children who contracted Whooping Cough, and were listed in critical condition. Following the reports, and the recent outbreak of the illness, Lakewood’s leading pediatrician Dr. Reuvein Shanik’ office has been flooded with thousands of calls from parents and playgroups. They are all looking to take necessary precautions to prevent the illness from spreading within the community.

Unfortunately, by Wednesday morning says Dr. Shanik, the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia had admitted another six patients who contracted the illness, TLS reports.

In light of the outbreak and concern, Dr. Shanik sat down with TLS in an exclusive interview for a deeper look and understanding into the sometimes-fatal illness.

In the last report, Dr. Shanik, says the very contagious illness is so severe, that if his patients are not properly immunized, he apologizes, but for the safety of his patients and the community, he will discontinue to see that patient in his practice.

Additionally, any parent whose child is in a playgroup with a child not properly immunized against Pertussis, should immediately pull their child out of the playgroup, Dr. Shanik says.

Some other disease outbreaks — like measles — have been fueled by parents refusing to get their children inoculated out of the debunked fear the shots cause autism.

Click HERE to watch this video from a mobile device.

[Note: This is also available to those without access to YouTube by calling the YWN Newsline at 718-506-1111, and pressing 6 for the interview section]

(Source: TLS)

14 Responses

  1. thank you doctor for giving of your precious time,
    i heard that even one minute of the doctors time is like 30 of a regular person.

  2. -additionally, any parent whose child is in a playgroup with a child not properly immunized against Pertussis, should immediately pull their child out of the playgroup, Dr. Shanik says.-

    he said “he” would pull out and the main stress was that the ones not properly immunized against Pertussis, should BE immediately pulled from their playgroup not to cause other kids to catch it/

  3. Parents and caregivers should also be immunized against pertussis. In adults pertussis is rarely serious, but as it is highly contagious it is easy to pass it on to young children, especially those who are too young to have received all their boosters (and who are at high risk of serious complications).

    I’m not a medical professional, but IIRC you need a booster about once every 10 years. It is often combined with the tetanus booster, which is also a good idea for adults to have. . .

  4. There’s been a recent outbreak of whooping cough (pertussis) in Hunterdon County, NJ, and the last report I’ve seen puts the number of ill children at 32. A separate news report stated that the ill children had been vaccinated, and then another report confirmed that all the infected children had all of their recommended vaccines.

    Most of the infected children were (29/32) between the ages of 7-12. These children, if vaccinated according the CDC recommendations, had DTaP shots at ages 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 15-18 months and 4-6 years. That’s FIVE doses. Five doses of the vaccine, and still this many children are not immune?

    There’s been a recent addition of a SIXTH dose of pertussis in New Jersey near age 10, as there is concern that the temporary immunity to pertussis from the previous five doses wanes as quickly as ages 7-9.

    Apparently when five doses of a vaccine aren’t sufficient to induce immunity the answer is to just keep giving more doses, as perhaps after the 10th, 25th or 33rd dose they will hit the jackpot. If we’re lucky

  5. I am sorry for the children/people who have become ill. I did not know that our Whooping Cough vaccinations wear off by adolescence, until I came down with the illness a few years ago, in my 50’s! I was pretty sick.
    I would like to be vaccinated again, and I am hoping that maybe one good thing that could come out of this unfortunate situation is locating or making available vaccinations for Pertussus ONLY. I am allergic to the Tetanus booster (which is enough of a problem itself), but because I can’t find an independent vaccination for Pertussus, I have been unable to have that either. I know I am not the only one with this issue.
    Any info on sources of Pertussus vaccination only would be welcomed.

  6. ACOOT – If you had the virus already, then you don’t need the vaccine – you are already immune. It’s like chicken pox (which is another virus), once a kid gets it, he is immune for life unless it was in the first year of life, but it doesn’t sound like your problem was then.

  7. Please continue to be mispallel for Yisroel Meir Ben Sara Gittel. (The seven month old baby who is in “CHOP” in critical condition)

  8. Urgent: I feel so terrible about these babies in icu. If someone can get a message to these families please tell them to beg the hospital to administer intravenous vitamin c. As per Dr Suzanne Humphries, Studies have shown the huge success iv vitamin c has had on many medical issues. She herself had recently given it to a baby in icu for whooping cough and that baby was stable within days. I can provide more details if needed. Hatzlocha

  9. What does that mean “debunked theory that shots cause autism”? It has been debunked by the cdc over 15 years ago. And just recently, the scientist who conducted that study, Dr W Thompson, came forward and admitted that they committed fraud by hiding the correlation between MMR and autism from the report. He has the full report and is waiting to be subpoenaed by the supreme court. So, yes it’s been debunked fraudulently.. And now it’s “undebunked”

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