VIDEOS & PHOTOS: Second Annual Lakewood Yarchei Kallah – Yerushalay​im


Dozens of baalei batim are currently attending the second annual Lakewood Yarchei Kallah in Yerushalayim this week, lead by HaRav Lazer Apter of Lakewood. Three days into the week-long program, they have had the zechus of hearing divrei chiuzk from leading gedolim and roshei yeshiva as they delve into the sugya of “osek b’mitzvah patur b’mitzvah”. Tommorow they leave their home away from home at Bet Tovei Ha’ir / Concorde Hotel and head to Bnei Brak to bask in the Torah of the gedolim there.

Credits: Shlomo Habira, Chaim Schvarcz – Kuvien Images

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE to see the photos.

HaRav Tuvia Weiss, Gavaad of the Eidah HaCharedis:

Click HERE to watch from a mobile device

HaRav Yaakov Eliezer Schwartzman, Rosh HaYeshiva Lakewood East:

Click HERE to watch from a mobile device

HaRav Refoel Reichman:

Click HERE to watch from a mobile device

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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