NYC: EXCLUSIVE VIDEO & PHOTOS: Holocaust-Denying Neturei Karta Wear Holocaust Clothing In Solidarity With Charedi Extremists In Yerushalayim


Not wanting to miss out “on the action” in Yerushalayim, the radical members of Neturei Karta gathered in Manhattan on Thursday, and dressed themselves – and their young children in holocaust clothing.

It is interesting to note, that these are the very same despicable individuals, who attended the Holocaust denying conference, held in Tehran in 2006. They claim that the Zionists “used” the Holocaust to further their agenda – which is the very same thing Neturei Karta did today.

Neturei Karta has a long history of embracing the Holocaust-denying Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Below are parts of a press release by Neturei Karta issued today:

Torah-true Jews will be gathering to demonstrate in front of Israeli consulates, in U.S.A., Canada and England. The protesters will don concentration camp clothing with the reviled “yellow star” pinned on their garments, to express their cry of desperation and to show solidarity with their brethren in the Holy Land, who demonstrated in Jerusalem this past Saturday night. Thousands of elders and children took to the streets of Jerusalem garbed in concentration camp clothing and yellow Stars of David pinned on their chests.

“The present incarceration of Torah-true Jews, beating etc. is not the sole event that brought the G-d-fearing Jews to such a desperate display”, said Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss of Neturei Karta International. “The present event is not an isolated event or some new policy of the State of Israel being perpetrated against the G-d-fearing religious community. It is only part of the long and ongoing battle between Zionism and the State of Israel with the Torah-true Jews.”

“Therefore, our brethren in Jerusalem demonstrated their anguish and pain by wearing the yellow star and striped Holocaust clothes.”

“We stand with them in solidarity.”

“May we merit to see, soon in our days, the revelation of the glory of the Almighty, when all the nations will serve the Almighty in peace and harmony. Amen.”

Jewish Rabbis and laymen will demonstrate in front of the Israeli consulates, TODAY: Thursday, January 5, 2012

NEW YORK CITY: 800 second Avenue [between 42 and 43] at 3:00 pm, followed by a march to the United Nations [First and 43]

LONDON:  2 Palace Green, London W8 4QB, at 2:30 pm

MONTREAL: 1 Westmount Square, Westmount, Quebec, at 2:45 pm

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos by Shimon Gifter.

Click HERE to watch this video from a mobile device.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

24 Responses

  1. why again why does YWN give these anti Semitic self hating ppl attention? don’t u realize that if u wouldn’t cover their events they wouldn’t do it?

  2. We must gather in our numbers and show the world that this is a minority of despicable immature individuals who misunderstand the principles of judaism and misrepresent it. If these stupid people can go out there and protest how much more so must we the heimishe tzibbur who dont like to draw attenrion to ourselves go out there and not allow this grosse misrepresentation go ahead unstopped.

  3. i don’t sympathize with the NK nor do I respect their own provocations acts. But to you YW respect your own values and dont call them with misleading titles. attending.. embracing.. still dosent name them “Holocaust-Denying”.

    BTW take a look at the clips of Bet-shemesh and you will see allot of Gur chassidim also protesting against the reporters. So NK sympathies with gur from Beth shemesh same as with Charedi Extremists fron J’lem

  4. I feel crying and screaming they have gone to far. Its one thing to deny the holocaust, however using it as ploy to further there ideas and to brainwash their kids is beyond.

    Sinas Chaim destroyed the second beis hamkidash this why meusiach has not come yet simple.

  5. What a bunch of crazies. If arrested they can plead insanity and win easily!

    “The Zionist were behind the whole holocaust”. How ignorant and stupid can you be?

    And one actually admits he’s there because he’s getting paid to do a job! (I wonder who’s footing the bill.)

    [I’m surprised the city social services don’t remove the kids from the custody of such crazy parents.]

  6. You are the one that is off ! They do not deny the holocaust but rather stated that the zionist used it to promote their state. You are ignorant of basic history. The zionist leaders declared that the state will be built on the ashes of europe. Read up on all the opportunities they had to save Jews but did not !!! The fact that they went to conference proves nothing. Like the leaders of Neturei Karta stated many times. “They use us and we use them”. If it wasn’t for them, no one would even remember that the establishment of the state went contrary to the views of almost all of gedolei hatora. Like the Steipler says in a letter: “we do not agree with their ways but there is gain from what they do….”

  7. the nazis cut off the beards of most of Yidden, except for the Satmar Rebbe ztl. The rebbe also said a yis ithout a beard is a yid, but a beard without being a yid….

  8. I feel sorry for the little kids being puppeteered in front of the cameras, and urged to proclaim hate and anger at Jews and Israel. I hope these kids dont look at these video clips a few years down the line and ch”v go off the derech because they might relaize how used and abused they were by their loony parents.

  9. NK actions are beyond belief.

    We should sort them out, peacefully by sending true charedi demonstrators to surround them physically and drown them out. By giving them the right to desecrate the memories of innocent victims of the Shoah we are committing a crime, stop them, when you see them, protest in numbers. It is not enough to just say they are a tiny minority, if so let us stop them. WE must SHUN them totally, no communal dialogue with those that behave so crudely and perpetuate hate by dragging innocent children to participate in the their evil campaign.

  10. I believe their position is NOT that the holocaust never happened or that that the Germans never massacred millions of Jews, BUT rather that the holocaust was just normal European behavior rather than something exceptional with deep religious and philosophical meaning (which is what most Jews and Europeans believe).

    In all fairness, and I’m not agreeing with NK’s position, the Europeans have engaged in numerous of genocide, sometimes with serious long term impact, and arguing that the holocaust was in fact their normal behavior is not quite off the mark though with some disturbing implications (i.e. that we are living next to a genocial maniac that is in a “quiet” phase, but for how long).

    Other recent victims of genocide by the Europeans include the American Indians, the African Americans (both in terms of the “Middle Passage” as well as slavery), various Celtic peoples (Irish famine during a period when Ireland produced surplus food for export, Highland Scots after the 2nd Jacobite Rebellion, Armenians during World War I, assorted other massacres by Hitler and Stalin, not to mention the behavior of the Japanese in China during World War II, etc.).

    One can make an argument that the only thing special about the holocaust is that the Germans were made to apologize afterwards, which suggests that the “cult” of the holocaust pursued by most Jews and western Goyim is misplaced.

  11. Taking young children to such an event borders on child abuse. Certainly the children had no say in this and probably had no idea what it was all about.

    Why did they miss yeshiva to participate in such a chillul Hashem?

    The crazy Neturei Karta are welcome to demonstrate wherever they want and to face judgement after 120 years as to whether they were right or wrong. Involving children is wrong and I’ve only sen it done by the so called “palestinians”, the people who use children as suicide bombers.

  12. #8: 100% right!!! N.K. is wrong but harmless.

    #10: The Divrei Yoel said when questioned about his affinity for Mike Tress Z”L, after 120 to some people the question will be reb beard were is your yid, to rabbi Tress the question will be reb yid where is your beard.

  13. Even in America the hashkafa of the NK is not fringe,it is embraced and agreed upon by a much larger silent (& deadly) majority.

  14. During the holocaust the jews had guns pointed at them at all times. They did not have any food, no coats or clothing to keep them warm, no showers,and no beards. If they want to compare themsleves to the holocaust? they look well fed, they look warm, they look somewhat clean, and they have their beards. Lets see them go weeks without eating and let them take off their coats and clothing and freeze to death in this cold. That they will not do. Thank g-d my grandparents who suffered through the holocaust are not alive to see this. Poor kids.

  15. yiddishemishpacha…

    You ARE partly correct.
    YWN should not put a line through the word ‘rabbi’.
    Some people might think the line was just some computer glitch, or might not notice the line at all.
    They should OMIT the word ‘rabbi” COMPLETELY!!!
    To use that title for this disgusting lunatic, totally is me’vazeh the title ‘rabbi’.
    That guy is a rabbi like I am the Grand Mufti!!!

  16. This is a free country every one can dress the way they want some people go dressed pritzesdig when others go dressed tzniosdig. The people is this picture are dressed tzniosdig and I don’t see why the can’t dress like this. My mother is a Holocaust survivor and she told me that reading the news how the chariedi community is treated in Israel reminds her much more of the Holocaust then the “yellow star” pinned on their garments.

  17. Appreciate the coverage.
    Do not appreciate your biased headline.
    This protest has nothing to do with holocaust denial or neturei karta.
    The controversial garb they wore surely achieved its goal and delivered the message. Here and in Israel.

    Shulem al yisroel.
    A gut shabbos

  18. No one side will change the mindset of the other, no matter what is said. we all can write and yell all day people will not change, it is how we are brought up. Its a shame that there is no Achdus, this Golus will continue with everyone saying that its the other ones fault. We can learn Perkie Avos and other Musser Seforim all day but as soon as we go outside into the wolrd all changes.

  19. How convenient for these slobs that they’re scheduled their NYC march for 3 PM on an erev Shabbos. Pretty much assures that no normal Jews will be there to counteract them. Personally, if I were there, I’d love to throw something at them. Then they can wear the dirt they are inside, on the outside.

    All of these protests have set the cause of kiruv back 50 years. Do you have any idea how many secular Jews blame all of us for the acts of a few?

  20. Disgusting. After the demonstrations in Israel I suggested that they be deported after a mind improving trip to yad vashem. I also asked where the mothers were–and why social services are not involved. And now I suggest that a beth din (who the nk prob don’t recognize) put them in cherem. Their behavior is such a chillul hashem. They are spitting on the ashes of the holocaust dead and they are hurting the survivors all over again. They are using the holocaust for gain–what makes them different from IG Farben? The holocaust as a pr campaign? The holocaust for shock value in order to segretate buses? Holocaust revisionists must be having a hey day.

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