VIDEO & PHOTOS: 8 Incredible Technologies Used By The IDF

The very first of the ten fundamental values of the Israel Defense Forces is the defense of the state, its citizens and its residents. In order to achieve this goal, the IDF utilizes a vast array of modern tools, a few of them so new, it’s hard to believe they exist. Today we invite you to take a look at some of the amazing equipment that assists the soldiers of the IDF at fulfilling their missions. Sit back and find out more about eight incredible technologies used by the IDF.

(Note: Click on images to enlarge them)

1. The Iron Dome Rocket Defense System:

The Iron Dome System has been deployed in the south of Israel since early 2011 in order to protect Israel’s population from the rockets fired from Gaza.

First of all, the system is the first of its kind. In terms of speed, accuracy and capability, there was no other system like it in the world prior to its introduction. Every individual battery is fully mobile and includes a radar station, a weapons control unit and the actual missile firing unit itself. As soon as an enemy rocket is fired into Israel, the radar station detects and tracks its trajectory and launches a missile of its own to intercept and neutralize the enemy rocket before it can cause any harm.

2. The F-16I ‘Sufa’:

“What’s so special about the F-16?” you ask. “Half of the western world uses it,” you say. Well, this is no ordinary F-16. This is the F-16I ‘Sufa‘. The added ‘I’ stands for Israel, because it has been heavily modified to fit the specific needs of the Israeli Air Force. To make the pilot’s incredible job as easy and effective as possible, the F-16I has been outfitted with cutting-edge weapons system hardware, a specially constructed radar system and a unique helmet system that allows the pilot to launch weapons at an enemy aircraft using sight only.  No wonder we nicknamed it ‘Sufa’. That’s Hebrew for ‘Storm’ by the way.

3. The Trophy System:

The Trophy Active Tank Defense System was developed with one goal in mind. To remove the last Achilles’ heel of armored vehicles and tanks – modern anti-tank guided missiles. How does it work? It’s simple: The Trophy’s detection system creates a 360° protective shield around the tank. When an enemy launches a rocket against a tank outfitted with Trophy, the system instantly detects and neutralizes any threat to the tank by firing a missile of its own which blows up the enemy missile.

4. The Merkava IV:

At first glance, the Merkava IV main battle tank may not look so different from other tanks, but sometimes looks can be deceiving.  In its current version, the Merkava IV includes an upgraded fire control system with the ability to defend against attack helicopters, a digital battlefield management system and an unprecedented suspension and track system that allows the Merkava IV to move in even the harshest terrains that would force any other tank to its knees. No wonder its considered one of the world’s best tanks.

5. The Elbit Skylark:

Quick, picture a drone! You thought of a full-sized plane, taking off from a runway, didn’t you? That’s because you haven’t heard of the Skylark I-LE. It’s small, it’s lightweight, it can be carried by one person and set up to be ready to fly in less than 8 minutes. 3 hours of flight-time with a live video-feed, day and night, in any weather-condition. The Skylark is quiet as a mouse with the eyes of a hawk. Quickly deployed and quickly recovered. They’ll never even know we were there.

6. The Granite:

It may resemble a Mars Rover, but it is actually the newest addition to the IDF’s Field Intelligence Unit’s line up of ultra-modern observation vehicles. A combination of optical and radar detection systems that can identify a man-sized enemy target from over 7km away, a hidden extendable radar mast or an integrated system that will immediately send live updates of enemy targets to friendly forces in the field are just a few of the trailblazing technologies that make the Granite the future of Field Intelligence Reconnaissance Vehicles. Oh, and did we mention it’s also bulletproof?

Oh, and did we mention it’s also bulletproof?

7. Tzefa Shirion:

What’s the fastest way to clear a mine field? How about the Tzefa Shirion. Take a 120 meter chain wrapped in about 1000 kilos of C4 and attach it to a rocket. When the rocket is fired the chain uncoils and trails after the rocket. After the chain is fully uncoiled it drops to the ground and is detonated, creating a blast so powerful it simply explodes all the mines in its environment. The result is a 120 meter long and 6-8 meter wide path which troops can now pass through safely. Sounds impressive? Wait until you see it in action:

8. The EyeBall System:

A terrorist is hiding in a building. The soldiers who came to arrest him know that he is in there, but they don’t know where exactly or who is with him. One soldier takes out a little black ball and quietly tosses it into the house. Within seconds the ball stabilizes itself and transmits a full 360° view of the whole room to the soldiers outside. They can now see and hear everything that is going on inside and have all the necessary information to safely enter the house and arrest the terrorist. Only slightly larger than a tennis-ball and equipped with a state-of-the-art camera with infrared capabilities, The Eye-Ball improves the IDF’s soldiers performance, and stabilizes their status as some of the best in the world.

(IDF Spokesperson – YWN Israel)

12 Responses

  1. Don’t believe anything in article from an army’s public relations department, at least when discussing its weaponry or its capabilities. They might be overstating to scare the enemy, or understating to lure the enemy into a false sence of security. They might be overstating to justify their expenditures, or understating to facilitate getting a bigger approrpriation. The only thing that is certain, is that they are unlike to be honest in discussing such matters (not should they be, given the line of work they are in).

  2. How about the “Torah” -when learned properly, it protects all Klal Yisroel?!? And another one -“Tefilah.” Tested and true.

  3. from the granite section, “Oh, and did we mention it’s also bulletproof?

    Oh, and did we mention it’s also bulletproof?” I think you did! As a matter of fact you might have mentioned it twice! 🙂 By the way, my favorite one is the Elbit Skylark!

  4. Kochi v’otzem yadi at its scariest. We have no one to rely on but Hashem, and the IDF forgets that at its peril. Remember the trauma of 73 (I was first here in 79 and the trauma was still heavy in people’s minds.)

    The 91 Gulf War – in which the IDF essentially didn’t lift a finger – was the only war in human history which saved lives, since the missiles killed only one person (even though they landed in heavily populated areas and destroyed/damaged thousands of dwellings, R”L) but scared people into staying at home and thus not killing each other with their cars, so that the mortality rate went down during the war. It was a special time, every day during bein sedarim there was a big shul filled with hundreds of yungeleit finishing Sefer Tehillim, and when the sirens went off everyone immediately thought of doing teshuva.

    We have no one to rely on but Hashem so let’s do our best to please Him and beg Him to protect us.

  5. A few more: The Arrow ballistic missile defense system; the Ofeq series of satellites; and a some classified counterterrorism technologies that are REALLY cool.

    Many of these technologies (like Arrow and Trophy) were developed with joint US – Israeli funding.

  6. Wow so nice to see everyones hakaras hatov for the Israeli army perfecting us…yes we are bH frum and know Hashem protects us ultimately but we do know we have to play Hashem’s game of hishtadlus. Right? Otherwise, why do any of you go to w

  7. Work? Or anything else for that matter? Do you not thank a doctor after they helped you? So how much more so an 18 year old boy who puts his life danger to protect you and your loved ones?! Not such a Jewish concept not to…

  8. Akuperma- “they might be overstating to scare the enemy…

    How about they might be understating so as not to give away the secrets?
    Hashem is our only protector and he’s saving the Jews by sending them many sophisticated weapons and smart, serious soldiers

  9. I was wondering what kind of device to buy from the spy store. That tennis ball looks really cool. In addition the device that gets rid of land mines is really great too. Okay, back to my Torah studying…Peretz, Zerech and the sons of Chori.

  10. Rabbosai – everyone has a role in Klal Yisroel. Certainly we should show hakares hatov to every shaliach of Hashem. However, let’s not forget the key role of hakol kol Yaakov that every Jew can fulfill. Without it, these hi-tech weapons are useless against a rock-throwing Arab (AS WE HAVE SEEN!)

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