VIDEO: A Must Watch For Anyone On Psychotropic (Emotional) Medication


Mordechai Weinberger LCSW interviews Dr. Efrayim Nudman M.D. Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Cornell Medical College, Former Chief of Inpatient Psychiatric service at New York Presbyterian Hospital.

They discuss the “do’s and don’ts” when going to a psychiatrist, and 10 tips to tell your doctor that will help you get better quicker.

They took two questions from parents regarding medication.

The first parent asked: My son is diagnosed with ADHD. I’m afraid if I put my son on medication he will looked drugged up and sleepy. Is that what happens when someone is put on psychotropic medication?

The second parent asked: Five years ago, my son in law was in a serious car accident and my daughter took care of him. After five years b”h he had a full recovery. The problem is that after he made his full recovery, my daughter fell into a depression and the doctor wants to medicate her. I am against medication because I believe that medication is only for weak people but I see my daughter is so sad and I know she isn’t a weak person. Can you explain to me how medication works?

Click HERE to watch this video from a mobile device.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. like duh!!!

    Translation: Anyone who believes that a drug that can meaninfully affect your mind and how you think isn’t dangerous and can’t have serious side effects (cf. Levi Aaron), should have his head examined. Indeed, for a drug to be a prescription drug suggests someone who should know has determined that it is potentially dangerous.

  2. I think depression caused by “chemical imbalances” are a pack of baloney. If someone is very depressed, there is an external reason for it. Address what the real reason is, and the depression will go away. Sure not always is it possible to remove the cause, but the cause isn’t an imbalance in the brain.

  3. unfortunately,as in many areas, the heimeshe community has an immature outlook as regards to these issues.

    If someone is sick they need medicine. I have seem many meddling concerned parents tell their kids not to take the doctor prescribed medicines when their kids had severe mental illness. This was due to their fear of looking bad for shidduchim or other side effects that were no where near as severe as the mental illness itself.

    noone is embarassed to take antibiotics for strep. the same should go for mental illness

  4. The environmental factors for all mental illness have much more basis than the genetic ones.

    For him to assert that it is “just like high blood pressure,” is ridiculous. Unless he means that high blood pressure is caused by a high sodium and low exercise diet.

    If a doctor would simply prescribe medication for high blood pressure, like he does for mental illness, they would be sued faster than this guy doses out the prozac.

  5. This has got to be the single most unbalanced presentation on this topic that I have ever seen. He is stating one unproven theory after the next as fact. He is describing drugs as a 100% safe panacea. He is playing down, to the point of totally ignoring, a list of over 20 side effects listed on the insert. In my experience in the classroom, it has been the rare child who has not shown several of these “rare” side effects. Acting on research published in the Lancet, the European Parliament last year began requiring products containing synthetic food colors to carry warning labels saying that “consumption may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.” Vision therapy, vitamins, fish oil, cleaning up the diet from junk, aside from being proven to help very often, simply make sense to turn to before submitting your child to a serious mind altering drug.

  6. Flowers – what are your thoughts on the cure for cancer, heart disease, and diabetes? After all if Doctors who study and teach this and devoted many many years of their lives to studying such issues don’t know anything compared to you in regard to human physiology, clearly you must have the solutions to these problems.Akuperma – really? LA did what he b/c of medication? You know? Medication was a siman or a sibah? It is completely ridiculous to compare an insane murderer to someone with e.g. ADHD. Amoxicillin requires a script too, is that so dangerous? If LA was on Amoxocillin when he did this, you shouldn’t? If a competent Dr. who legally and ethically must act in your interest prescribes something for you, shouldn’t you assume it is in your interest? Who knows better?

  7. When a person is happy or sad the brain releases chemicals. This is the normal way the body works. IF a person finds a situation is stressful, overwhelming, sad then the brain will release the chemicals. Let’s suppose someone has a difficult spouse. They go to work, and are then able to take their mind off their problems. What about someone who is home a whole day? She will become depressed just thinking about it a whole day.

    Some lines taken from the psychology today website “What Causes Depression?”:

    “The misconception many people have, though, is that you have a neurochemical anomaly and then depression results.”
    “Your experience influences your neurochemistry at least as much as your neurochemistry affects your experience.”
    “ Genetics may serve as a predisposing factor to depression, but the evidence is growing that depression has a great deal to do with the ongoing and repetitive interactions within the family.”
    I’m not going to type all the things it says there that supports what I said. You can look at the article yourself. I only looked on it up to answer you, I don’t need research to tell me what I know myself from knowing people who were/are depressed ALL of them dealing issues that caused the depression. Or they were already predispositioned from childhood certain beliefs, expectations, attitudes or different forms of abuse etc.
    Research is constantly being done to learn new things. Just because a doctor says something now, doesn’t mean new research won’t make him say totally different things 10 yrs from now.
    If you care to notice, when I said, I think chemical imbalances causes depression is a pack of baloney, I said “I THINK” because this is MY opinion. I know others won’t agree.

    And btw, I was referring only to depression, not other mental illnesses.

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