VIDEOS: Hagon HaRav Nosson Tzvi Finkel ZATZAL Delivering Divrei Chizuk (Yiddish)

The following are two videos of Hagon HaRav Nosson Tzvi Finkel ZATZAL, Rosh HaYeshiva Mir Yerushalayim, as he delivered Divrei Chizuk and Hisorerus at the tenth and eleventh Annual Agudath Israel Yarchei Kallah at the Ramada Renaissance hotel in Yerushalayim.

The first video is from the tenth annual Yarchei Kallah, and the second video is at the eleventh Yarchei Kallah.

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HaRav Nosson Tzvi Finkel Shlita delivers Divrei Chizuk during day 2 of the eleventh Annual Agudath Israel Winter Yarchei Kallah at the Ramada Renaissance hotel in Yerushalayim (Refael Ovadia – Kuvien Images)

Click HERE to watch this video from a mobile device

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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