HACKED! Who Downed IDF, Mossad & Shin Bet Websites? [VIDEO]


The official websites of the IDF, Mossad Intelligence Agency and Shin Bet were successfully hacked on Sunday, November 06, 2011. The question is who is behind the hacking attack?

The Office of the IDF Spokesman is not releasing any official comment as of yet, other than the main IDF site is down. There were advanced warnings apparently that the Anonymous hacking organization was planning to target the IDF and other sites.

On Friday, a YouTube movie was uploaded named AnonymousMMV, with the threat that the organization would be hacking into the sites and taking them down in response to the Israel Navy operation preventing boats from reaching Gaza on Friday, 7 Cheshvan.

The computer experts are working on getting the downed website back up and running as well as seeking to learn just how they penetrated firewalls and security to prevent repeat occurrences.

YWN-Israel recently reported the Shin Bet is taking cyber threats very seriously and dedicating resources to prevent hackers from downing systems in Israel. This breach undoubtedly is not leaving Israel’s cyber officials with a comfortable feeling.

Click HERE to watch this video from a mobile device.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Just so people know, this doesn’t mean that the IDF, etc. was hacked, it means their websites were hacked. That’s sort of like saying that someone pulled down a poster put up by the IDF as opposed to someone invading an IDF base.

  2. 1. Baruch ha-Shem we live in a world where people hack instead of planting bombs.

    2. Why on earth do SECRET services have websites?

  3. If this bunch of ameteurs can so easily hack into the IDF and Shin Beit websites without any assistance from a foreign government, I’m not really confident in their ability to defend against a really serious cyberattack. This vulnerability is not only embarressing to EY but a real sign of weakness and vulnerability.

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