ENTERTAINING VIDEOS: Neturei Karta Confusion Outside UN


Several hundred people gathered outside the United Nations, Thursday afternoon, to protest the appearance of Iranian President Ahmadinejad at the UN General Assembly. As expected, approximately two-dozen members of Neturei Karta were out in full force yelling anti-Israel slogans, and offering words of praise for the Iranian President – just a short while after he finished his speech to United Nations.

The videos below are quite entertaining (to say the least). As Ben Smith of Politico tweeted about these videos: “Anti-Zionist Chasids produce entertaining confusion outside the UN”.

It is unknown if the group will be meeting Ahmadinejad on his current visit, which is usually the case.

On one of his previous visits, Ahmadinejad met with the group and was told by Rabbi Moshe Ber Beck “That we have the honor and privilege to meet with such a distinguished person who understands the difference between Zionism and Judaism is for us a tremendously happy occasion,”

Ahmadinejad has said Israel should be wiped off the map. He has referred to the Holocaust as a myth and his government held a conference in 2006 questioning the fact that Nazis used gas chambers to kill 6 million Jews in World War Two.

Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss, spokesman for the group, said Ahmadinejad was no enemy of the Jewish people, that many thousands of Jews lived in Iran without persecution and that the Iranian president was not a Holocaust denier.

Click HERE to watch this video from a  mobile device.

Click HERE to watch this video from a mobile device.

(Moshe Altusky – YWN)

56 Responses

  1. “They want candy for the Jewish holiday…They want a kosher restaurant in Iran.” Great quote…

    Although in the first video R”L these kids are being brainwashed and don’t even know what they’re being told to think….

  2. This guy is hilarious. Can someone get a hold of him for an exclusive YW interview?

    (Notice how he can drop the accent when he wants?)

  3. It goes without saying that these N.K.niks are insane sonai Yisrael, but one additional thing that bothers me about them (though I am not chasidish myself) is that they give a bad name to chasidim and to chasidus.
    People look at these fools as ‘chasidim’. They are EXACTLY the opposite. At it’s roots, chasidus is about serving HaSh-m b’simcha, about ahavas Yisrael, about chesed between Yidden.
    Neturei Karta are the 180 degree OPPOSITE of that.
    The Baal Shem Tov HaKadosh must turn in his grave to see these menuvalim referred to by the term ‘chasidim’.

  4. The only funny thing about this is YWN’s dash through “Rabbi” (well done).

    It seems to me that we daven three times a day six days a week to crush such rashoim. I don’t the ins and outs of what I am about to ask, so this really is a question born out of ignorance, and not the taking of a position. Al pi Halocha, is there nothing “we” (Our Rabbanim) should be doing to stop them? Or is it merely that l’maisa we don’t have the ability to do anything to stop them?

  5. Do these reshoim have any limits. If Ich-mad-in-the-head built a symbolic concentration camp for Zionists (chas veshalom), would they support it?

  6. entertaining?!?! why are we calling this outrageous chillul hashem entertaining??! yes, the neturei karta are a fringe extremist group, but its scary to think that because they are dressed like ultra orthodox jews, they are representing judaism while protesting against israel! nebach on these misinformed goyim…and nebach on us that we’re not out there in full force protesting against the neturei karta on the same sidewalk! they should not be getting so much attention…

  7. As far as I am concerend these reshoim have a din of Roidef!
    Anyone disagree?
    When I daven in ולמלשינים and I say והזדים מהרה תעקר ותשבר etc. I have these blokes in mind!

  8. YWN is obsessed with NK! if you ask me, the truth hurts. While its true that these NK folks are complete nutcases, there’s a painful truth behind there insane actions.

  9. I agree with #16.

    #17: What is that painful truth? That the arabs were less hostile before we had a state?
    So what? Staying in Europe was working out real well for us, wasn’t it? What exactly was our better option? And sure, America is working out reasonably, but so was Germany in 1932.
    And probably the best way out now, is to support terrorism against ourselves. Right?

  10. popa (#19): Don’t be over confident that Israel can’t experience its own holocaust C”V. Don’t be confident that Israel is safer than America or Europe.

  11. #20. I’m not confident in that. Where did you read that in my words?

    Sounds like these reshaim are actually hoping it happens, as they support countries like Iran who have actually threatened it. At least we’ll know the kapos’ names, having seen them on TV.

  12. The painful truth is a loooong 90+ year history, going back to the Balfour Declaration in 1917. The painful truth is that the Zionist 1933 strike against Germany isn’t a whole lot different than its current irresponsible behavior. The painful truth is that the existence of the state of Israel has been founded on the basis to spite and deny G-d, to support gay marches in the holy city and enforce chilul shabbos.

  13. #22:
    Ok, there are many painful truths in the world.
    There are people who are mechallel shabbos.
    There are people who molest little kids.
    There are people who support murderous arab terrorists.

    So what?
    Everyone agrees the 1933 strike was a bad idea.
    Everyone agrees the state was founded by and is mostly run by non-frum jews, who do not have torah values.

    I have no idea what irresponsible behavior you are talking about though. I guess you think if we just pulled back to 67 borders everything would be good.
    Kind of like it was in 67.
    Kind of like we offered at camp david.
    Kind of like gaza worked out great.

    Jeez! Just because the state is run by apikorsim doesn’t mean every move they make is wrong.
    Kind of like you probably wear teffilin even though you are clueless.

  14. #21, I wonder if you don’t find your double standard ironic. You find the NK people wicked and equate them to Natzi Kaops (I mean whoa!), but you’re totally Ok with the zionist kibbutzniks forcing THOUSANDS of Yeman kids to become secular and throw their Teflin in the garbage! (if you know history), nah that’s Ok. It isnt Ok, it should hurt every Gd fearing Jew to the core, yet your healthful rhetoric are defending those actions!

  15. popa (#21): Your comment #19 implied that Israel is, or will be, safer than America. Both Israel and America are suffering in the same golus. Don’t be confident one place in golus is safer than another place in golus.

  16. Pupa @ 23:
    You might want to look back to the times of the Crusades, Templars, Spanish inquisition, Blood libels, which countries allowed the Jews entry? Why do we suddenly have all this hate from the Arab countries against Jews?? Did you ever ask your-self and wonder about this hate? Which religion killed millions upon millions upon millions of Jews (including wwii), it happens to be, its not the Muslims/Arabs. So, where is all this Arab hate towards Jews coming from? Who are the ones who are truly endangering the well being of Jews abroad (while in Gulis)? Hmmm…

  17. Ill_be_strong,
    That is very naive to think times were great in the Arab lands. They invented the ghettos. The invented dhimmi. They invented the yellow star to identify a Jew. Let’s all clap that for two generations, the Ottomman empire (Muslim, not Arab) was relatively good to the Jews.

    The Or Hachaim Hakadosh writes that noone was worse to us than the Arabs. They only came to Eretz Yisroel because Jews were inhabiting the land. Brfore then, it was very empty.

  18. #28: I implied that I am ok with the reshaim shmading yemenite kids? Why would you say that?
    I just don’t think that means we should support efforts to kill us.

    #30: I have no doubt the hatred is fueled by us having a state, as I mentioned before.
    But, I’m not sure how encouraging them to kill us will help at this point.
    And even if rolling over and giving them the state back would help us now (it would probably result in a holocaust), we all know that is not going to happen. So how will encouraging them to kill us help now?

    So let’s even imagine the state endangers us (bizzare to say, all your examples of problems in galus were before the state). So what? The state is not going away. Deal with the facts. And the facts are that the NK endanger more of us than they could possibly help.

  19. Can I ask why on Earth Rabbonim don’t do PURSA D’NURA on these lowlifes? Yeemach Shemem all the neture “charta”, starting by beck.

  20. #32. A goy is a goy, they hate Yidden, its in their DNA, Muslims or Christians. I never implied that the Arabs are Jew lovers, by far not. But, going back 2000 years of history, the Arabs didn’t have these systematic Jew killings as did other religions. And yes, in the times of the Spanish inquisition, we only found safe haven in the Arab countries. The point is, never was there SUCH hate from the Arab world until the creation of the state of Israel, which is -in all honesty- against the Torah, on almost all levels.

    #33. All i’m saying, i’m astonished at the blind outpouring of hate against a few silly NK people, but i see no outpouring anger against the Zionist religious crimes. The Arabs can only kill the worldly body, but the Zionist have MURDERED thousands if not millions of souls, an eternity killing!! All of you here are frum Yidden, right? After all, its the soul that all of you are concerned about, right? Where is the outrage against the Zionist crimes?? So what exactly fuels the NK hate, is it really Ohavas Yisroal????

    Life and death is in the hands of Gd, not the protection of the IDF. No one can take anyone’s life unless its Gd’s wish. Do you really believe that creating and defending a state that’s build on the foundation of denying Gd will help us keep safe?? Do you really believe it brings Rachmim from Hasham or CV on the contrary??

    I agree that’s its a sticky situation, both giving and not giving back is a danger. I sure dont have the wisdom to propose a proper solution, Moshiach (may he come soon)is the only answer. But, I fail to see how the NK are endangering us SO greatly, while there are thousand of Apikorsim (not talking about those born into a secular home)in Israel that are spitefully angering Gd everyday!! Which in return brings a Mides Hadin to all Yidden who are so busy defending its existence!!!

    Giving back can potentially endanger our bodies, not giving is certainly endangering countless souls. What does Gd want??

  21. The government of Iran is an unapologetic supporter of terrorism. Iran has continualy given money and arms to Arab terrorists specifically to murder Jews. Jews of every age, nationality and level of religious observance have been murdered with the direct cooperation of Iran. Iran continues to advocate policies that threaten the well-being of innocent Jews in the land of Israel.

    Any Jew of sound conscience who acknowledges these facts should be ashamed to have lent any support or credibility to the leadership of Iran.
    Dovid Z. Schwartz
    Director, Community Guardians Group.

  22. #36:

    Your arguments are getting more bizarre.

    Now you ask me why I am upset by these reshaim but not by the reshaim who run the Israeli govt.

    I don’t know why you think I am not upset by the reshaim in the govt. In fact, I am.

    Yet, you and your minions are much worse. You see, they are mostly tinok shenishba, while you guys were raised in frum homes. The taana on you is much greater.

    Furthermore, I could ask the same question back to you. You are so concerned about us breaking the shevua of not returning to eretz yisroel by force, which you apparently think is yehareg v’al yaavor, and have appointed yourself executioners.
    Why don’t you have the same indignation about the govt reshaim’s shmading the yemenites and fighting torah? Why is your organization mainly known for protesting the IDF? Is that really worse than the govt’s attacks on torah?

    Now, you might tell me you do protest that also, but really, if you wanted that message to get out stronger, I’m sure you could. I’m sure if you wanted to get in the news as criticizing the attacks on torah, you could do that. Yet you don’t.
    Face it. You are more concerned about the IDF than you are about the shmading of yemenite children, and the attacks on the torah.

    ולמלשינים אל תהי תקוה. I am not cursing you; Chazal are.

  23. 🙂
    My holiday is coming up, I want some candy, preferable some gummy fish, so I can have fish heads on R”H.

    The videos are funny, and they point out the pointlessness of NK. The NK members can’t explain what they want. It shows that they just hate the Medina to the point that they will align themselves with any Jew-hater (who will use NK as tools).

  24. Whoever thinks that systematic Arab hatred of Jews started with Zionism is in serious need of a history lesson. Here’s the lesson:

    Islam began with Jew-killing. Mohammed systematically massacred and/or enlsaved the entire Jewish population of Arabia because they would not convert. Since all Muslims are supposed to follow in his footsteps that has serious implications.

    A few hundred years later, all of the Jews of Eretz Yisrael were given a choice between exile, conversion to Islam, or death.

    This has been the pattern wherever Jews have lived under Muslim rule. They let us live as second-class citizens for a while, and then whenever they’re in the mood they give us a choice between exile, conversion, or death. Sometimes they just fast-track the third option. During the supposed “Golden Age” of Spanish Jewery under Islam, all of the Jews of Granada,Spain were massacred. Early in the 19th century all of the Jews in parts of Iran were forcibly converted. Jewish women were in constant danger and were often abducted and forced into conversions and marriages.

    This has been how Muslims have treated Jews ever since their religion started.

    You mention that most Jews escaping from the expulsion from Spain went to Arab lands. While that is true you fail to mention that many thousands were captured by or sold to Arab pirates and enslaved.

    When it comes to Arabs hating Jews, you have it backward. They do not hate the Jews because of Zionism. They hate Zionism and Israel because we are Jews. They didn’t have a problem when the British took over Eretz Yisrael. They didn’t mind being under Turkish rule.(Even though the Turks are Muslims they are not Arabs and treated the Arab population of Eretz Yisrael like dirt.)The Zionists turned the barren desert into a thriving country and gave them more rights than they had ever had before. They hate us for it. Why? Because we are Jews. We are supposed to be subjugated under their whims and treated however they see fit.

    It drives me crazy when these NK meshuggenehs say that they want to live under Arab rule. They need to speak go have a talk with a first-generation Sephardi immigrant. A recent news story came where Sephardim were critisized for being overwhelmingly against trying to appease the Arabs. Could it be because they know from experience what the Arabs are like and that they’re going to hate us no matter what we do.

  25. mekitanei ammunah, these guys think they need to help Hashem get rid of the zionist reshaim, the palistinians are not the only solution Hashem has

  26. Sure, all goyim always hated Jews. Christian, Muslim, and others. Nevertheless, we had it far far worse under the Christians than under the Muslims.

  27. Thank you very much, Ashmorris.

    I only saw the first video. The NK guy did not seem at all confused. I can’t understand how you fall for a guy having fun, putting up a show. It was cute and funny. But, to say they are confused because this guy kept on turning around his questions, is a bad perception.

  28. I find it very unprofessional and extremely unintelligent of ywn to report this way. If your opinionated reporter would feel confident of his position then he would report facts and not offer views. Why can’t ywn show a video of their demonstration and let us judge for ourselves?

  29. The Indian guy is joker. The guy with the sign answering the Indians questions answered them correct. The Indian didn’t know what he was asking.

  30. Popa, I’m reading your post and i’m scratching my head, I’m trying to figure out whether I should even respond. I mean no one is going to convince anyone or change their thinking pattern (a fascinating philosophy), yet, I have so much to say. For one, which statement of mine seems to suggest that I support NK and/or their actions?

    Ashmorris, how did you infer from my words that Arab hatred of Jews “started” with Zionism?

  31. #50:
    Really, after all that the most important thing you want to discuss is whether you personally agree with them? This all comes back to you?

    Just keep scratching. If you read my post enough times, you may understand.
    But if you have any specific points, I can explain them. I’m a good explainer. If you want, you can even take this to the CR- we had a thread last week.

  32. Popa, without getting personal here, which seems to be the direction you’re headed (I’m open minded and respect others), you wrote a post and keep writing things like “Why is YOUR organization”, so i’m scratching my head trying to figure out, what is MY organization? what are you referring to??? As far as I know, I never aligned myself with any organization. I’m a Yid who lives life in accordance to the rules and values of the Torah, I believe in Hasgucha (Hasham the one who did, is doing, will do all occurrence), I believe in Moshiach (may he come soon).

    Having said that, here’s the bottom line:
    We are in exile, like it or not, its a fact!
    We are surrounded by wolves who are seeking our destruction in the most brutal ways. Everyday that we survive is a yet another chased from Hasham protecting us from our enemies.
    Ashmorris mentioned “They [the Arabs] do not hate the Jews because of Zionism. They hate Zionism and Israel because we are Jews” I could not agree more!! and is exactly my point. The fact that they (and all Goyim) hate up so much, is an even more reason to stay low. So like you said Popa, the 1933 boy-cut was a bad idea, so was the Zionists getting the USA involved in WWI against Germany (which lead to the 1917 balfour declaration), so was Herschel Grynspan’s assassination in 1939 (triggering KrisnalNacht), so was the decision not to help Rabbi Weismandel after arranging with Natzi Dieter Wisliceny’s ym’s, so was Netanyahu’s arrogance and embarrassing the president of the United States in front of the whole world, and on and on. The Zionist motto of “We’ll take matters in our own hands, we don’t need or believe in Gd” and frum Yidden supporting it (in one way or another), is endangering all of Klal of Yisroal living surrounded by wolves and who DO need/believe in Gd. Ashmorris, if the Arabs are such murderers (and they are, I agree), why add fuel to the fire to ignite that hate into a volcano???? And you might suggest that we are allowed to defend, but you know what? G-d wants you to be in exile under the Goys ruling, like it or not, we can only keep davaning for Moshiach. Let alone a Jewish state denying Gd! Why are the Zionist endangering me with their irresponsible actions??? Do they really think they can fight Gd??? Do they really think they can prevent us from another holocaust if CV Mides Hadin exceeds the threshold, when the (religious) Mayor of Jerusalem approves a Gay march in the holiest place?? And yes Popa, Gay is yehareg v’al yaavor, let alone inviting it in Jerusalem!!

    The Bani Efrahim were all 1000% Tzadikum, but simply miscalculated the Gaula and took matters into their own hands. The consequences were horrific!

    All I said (and please dont put words into my mouth), was a)There’s a painful truth behind the (wildly unaccepted) NK people b)It was jaw dropping to read some of the comments here, I hardly hear my grandpa (a holocaust survivor) speak about the Natzis ymach’s as some of you speak out against the NK, and so I was wondering 1)what is really motivating SUCH hate? 2)How are the NK people endangering us? especially in relevance to the Zionists. So they hug with blood thirsty murderer and claim to be wanting to live under Arab ruling (which i doubt they mean), yes totally insane and nutty, but, how does that endanger the rest of Klal Yisroal??

    Popa, be honest with yourself, do you think that there would have been the same outpouring of Hate against the Zionist on a written article about the the Zionist crimes against the Yemen kids? And btw, crossing out Rabbi is SO childish!

  33. Well, as I’ve been saying the whole time.

    A. The state may or may not have contributed to the arab’s hatred.
    But, that does not in the slightest excuse these reshaim’s taking the arabs side in this.

    B. The comments here are not strong enough. These reshaim must be completely banned from our communities. They should not be let into shuls, schools, grocery stores, neighborhoods, or anything. בתך לא תתן לבנו ובתו לא תקת לבנך.

    1. You ask what is motivating such hate? I hate them because I believe they are responsible for our blood being spilled, through their lobbying and spreading bad PR about us, and thus tying our hands from defending ourselves. ה ינקום דמינו.

    2. It endangers us by tying our hands, through spreading bad PR about us. This is really not hard to understand, and I think you are being deliberately obtuse about it. Talk about facing painful truths.

    Honest. No, there would not be the same outporing of hate against the zionists for shmading us. The same way we usually get more worked up about the holocaust than about the chanuka story which was just shmading us. We really should care about shmading more, but we are human.

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