VIDEO & PHOTOS: A Political Night In Queens To Remember

Living in Queens, I don’t ever remember seeing such excitement about a political race in my life. Not even Dinkins vs. Guiliani (so I’ve heard) can compare to the slugfest taking place in my mailbox this week as mailer after mailer keeps arriving. (The printers are doing well) And my gosh what’s with the robo calls? My Bubby is not amused that Donald Trump, Andrew Cuomo and Ed Koch are looking for her.

You have to understand, Queens is not exactly Brooklyn. In areas like Flushing, Hillcrest and Kew Gardens, people just don’t get too worked up about anything. Here, we are a bit calmer and laid back and are usually content to leave the theatrics and drama to our Flatbush, Boro Park and Williamsburg brethren. But something is up. I sense a change and so do my friends.

Last night there was a buzz in the air, as the national debate on health care, the economy, jobs and the lack of leadership and direction in Washington made its way to our own little town. No, I wasn’t watching the President lecture us about more of the same.

Last night in little old Kew Gardens, the State of Israel was defended like we haven’t seen in a long time and to tell you the truth it felt good to be part of something special and important. Somebody thinks we are important. I’m not going to argue.

Last night, Kew Gardens got a glimpse of a fired up Brooklyn Assemblyman like we have not seen in any of our elected officials in these parts for a very long time. For once we felt alive when a politician spoke to us and told us that our vote matters.

In these parts the only time we get a chance to hear from Jewish leaders like Assemblyman Dov Hikind is on the radio or at a protest in Manhattan. But last night, for those of us who came to see the Bob and Dov road show, we witnessed a political rebirth of sorts right here in our backyard. And I’m energized.

When Candidate Bob Turner arrived in the Benedict home for a neighborhood meet and greet he was welcomed with thunderous cheers by a very impressive crowd. It wasn’t just curiosity seekers that showed up but serious people, doctors, lawyers and businessmen as well, looking to hear more about why a vote for Bob Turner matters. For me, the deal was sealed when Rabbi Aryeh Sokoloff the beloved rabbi of the big shul stood next to Bob held his hand and implored us in the crowd to make sure we all vote. “It’s a Mitzvah Gedolah to vote” (a great deed) he said.

If you haven’t noticed, Bob Turner has been working very hard in the Jewish neighborhoods of Brooklyn and Queens for our vote and why not, that’s where his votes are I guess. He’s been received like a favorite grandfather/rock star wherever he’s gone and to tell you the truth, I’m really proud of my community for realizing what’s at stake in Tuesdays special election. I know the Democrats try to use code word to imply that Turner is old but the man I met last night didn’t look old at all. He struck me as a man on a mission ready to fight hard for us and for Israel. And boy do we both need it.

The guy gets around. And if you follow him a little you will see he’s always smiling. If you’re keeping score, Bob has visited our Queens neighborhood several times in just the past week looking to connect with the people. He’s been to Chofetz Chaim Yeshiva spending over an hour with the bochrim being grilled on debt ceiling and fiscal responsibility. (Yes, I’m serious) The word in the Bais Medrash is, Turner is the real thing.

He walked the Main Street strip, been to Meir at Seasons, hosted a get out the vote meet and greet at Kissena Farms with Dov Hikind, and visited dozens of stores up and down and all around. He has met with the Rabbis, been to Shuls and has made up for his lack of political acumen with a businessman approach severely lacking in many of our “experienced” politicians. It appears the regular people who really matter have taken notice.

Bob was up bright and early on Labor Day morning and met the shachris attendees at the Young Israel of Hillcrest following that up with breakfast at the kosher Bagel store on 188th St and Union Turnpike.

Wherever he has gone, everybody has been impressed. The people seem to connect with his honest and open assessment of the challenges facing voters in the district and the “Turner for Congress” lawn signs keep growing and growing everywhere you look, no matter how many times somebody keeps pulling them out. And if your listening, the name Scott Brown keeps coming up.

Its not always politically correct but Bob offers no double speak, flip flopping or sound bites, just truth and straight talk and I must say, I’m getting the whole Turner thing.

Mr. Turner, thank you for doing the impossible. You woke us up. Yes, you have woken up our neighborhood and I couldn’t be more excited to vote for you this coming Tuesday. And Dov, please move to Queens we need you.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

Click HERE to watch this video from a mobile device.

(Yossi Newman – YWN)

8 Responses

  1. bob turner himself created the jerry springer show. the tawdry shmutz that has contributed greatly to the moral degradation of our culture and society.

  2. …which clearly shows that he would be a terrible contributor to the political stage. (Please disregard his positive stand on Israel in order for this to carry more weight.)

  3. Although Bob Turner is a lowlife who has consistently backed the Jerry Springer (ymsh) show despite calls for regulation for decency sake (obviously money is more important to him) still in all for the Jewish Depressed to have a columnist write in support of a person so low as David Weprin shows that the J.P. has descended to new lows.

    This man stood in front of N.Y Senate and said that as an Orthodox Jew he is supporting gay rights!

  4. We don’t hold goyim to the same standard as we do frum yiddim,in that regard Turner is the better person. Besides he’s better on every issue.
    Weprin opposes tuition vouchers which would help thousands of jewish families Turner supports this and more. Weprin is not a good person to represent us.

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