VIDEO: Earthquake, Hurricane, Now Tornado In New York


A tornado has caused some property damage near Albany, N.Y., one week after Irene caused destructive flooding in the region.

The National Weather Service says the tornado touched down about three miles from Amsterdam, N.Y., on Sunday evening. Amateur video posted on YouTube shows a dark funnel cloud crossing the New York Thruway, where it knocked down trees.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo says there have been no reports of serious injuries.

The weather service says it has reports of damaged homes in the Cranesville section of Amsterdam. Trees and power lines were knocked down. The service says it concluded it was a tornado based on eyewitness video.

Montgomery County, where Amsterdam is located, is among the counties eligible for federal disaster assistance after Irene.

(Note: Tornado starts at 5:45 in video)

Click HERE to watch this video from a mobile device.

(Source: NBC)

6 Responses

  1. When will the Govenor and Politicians wake up and smell the coffee that Hashem is sending these messgaes becuase of their approval of passing the shameful gay marriage bill. Its only going to get worse

  2. What did the so called leaders in Albany expect after passing their repulsive law regarding marriage. You just have to look at Sodom and Gommrah to find the answer.

  3. The only difference between Sodom and New York, is that in Sedom, they were all evil and Hashem was willing to spare the city if there were any righteous to be found, New York, while the law is evil and repulsive and there are evil people doing ubnormal things, there are countless righteous people and that over powers the evil thereby saving us from real destruction

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